The Omniverse of a God named Rod

The Omniverse of a God named Rod
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Star Fleet Operations

There are libraries on the subjects of starships, each with its own history, technology, and sets of rules.

Missions and Scenarios

Exploration and Patrol
"You have your orders"
There are only two reasons for a starship's existence. To gain resources and to protect resources.

Each sector of space is roughly 20 light-years across, much of it is "empty" space. Even with well-established populations and routes, there will be worlds that either have not been come across, or surveyed once in the past century.

Protecting a world or outpost is nearly impossible in space. A well-placed device, weapon, or saboteur can eliminate an opponent's resources. Military command ships and trained personnel are necessary to any space-faring government. They are also more costly. Their standing orders are to detect and if necessary eliminate any threat to an established resource or trade route.

"You have your orders"
Starships and their crew do not stand idle. Nor do they travel without a flight plan and orders to go with it. It costs less to have a ship at dock than it does traveling at high warp to the next sector. Again, space is vast, and in any one given sector there may be only one, or no more than three ships in service. Be it home space, a border, or frontier space.

A note on Crew Efficiency and Fatigue
Standard crew rotations are about every six months, usually at a port of call. Deep space missions of 3 years between recall, refit, R&R. Depending on the mission parameters and other variables, overall efficiency and the loss of it can be measured for final evaluation. Successes lead to higher skill ratings in certain areas used, faster and smoother reaction times, and higher morale. Failures, deaths [officers, percentage of crew or away parties], even rumors, can lead to low morale.

At the end of every action, there are reports and assessments. At the port of call, there will be reviews, to determine the performance of the ship and crew, specifically the captain.

4X, 3Es, Resources, location, etc

"Location, location, location"
Even in deep space, it is necessary to obtain the most cost effective means of communication and resource management. An outpost, factory, or diplomatic treaty partner closer to a population center, for example, would be preferable to one on the other side of the sector. Trade and commerce are important to any space-faring world. And just as important to the Empire of which it is a member, or controlled by.

Not all actions lead to conflict, although it is the most sensationalized. What follows does not replace any printed rules. Rather it allows for a quick resolution.

Both Players perform the following for this encounter [round, turn, strategic mission];
Systems are activated with Actions- attacks, defenses, movement;
Weapons are fired for each Action;
Defenses counter the weapon(s) used in this Action;
Unopposed 'hits' remove Superstructure points;

Plasma torpedoes, missiles, photon torpedoes, Disruptors, Phasers.
Decoys, electronic warfare, anti-missiles, evasive maneuvers, shields.
Superstructure = Power distribution, weapons, systems, crew.

The encounter is not simultaneous, but damages are resolved at the end of a specified time frame. The objective of any combat is the complete elimination of the opponent's playing piece. "You're either all in or not at all/"
Repeat the round OR regroup to battle a different ship [or even Player] in fleet combats.

The goal of any 'all or nothing' encounter is survival. Being the last ship, even damaged badly, is a WIN!

Expansion Rules
Allow for a more realistic view of combat. "You sunk my battleship!" vs. "Hull breach in sections S thru X, levels 10 thru 20! Main Phasers off-line! Casualty reports coming in! Sir!" Each Player may allow certain of his ships to be damaged or destroyed first; prioritize key systems for each ship. In ancient naval warfare, this was referred to as "Battle of the Line" where each ship tries to sink the opponent before it itself is rendered inoperable.
Manuals - online source material
Simplified Role-Playing Game - my rules
   0. Introduction
   1.0 The Player Character
   2.0 The World Board, Movement, and Scale
   3.0 Core Rules
   6.0 Combat 101
 10.0 My Rule
   Starship Classifications
Starship Tactical Combat Simulator On-line Database and Archive
CX-1 Blueprints and many printed material excerpts

Simplified Role-Playing Game

Your Character moves, has Encounters, and resolves Conflicts.
Survive and achieve the Prize! That's IT !

Begin with one Home world and one explorer ship;

Add two colonies and two ships - military and multi-mission;

Explore (move in and uncover) one adjacent space per ship - play a random event;

Colonize and build outposts where appropriate;

Build with resources to support Infrastructure, economics, military and government;

Form Diplomatic alliances;

Patrol, escort, transport, combat.

0. Introduction

1.0 The Player Character

2.0 The World Board, Movement, and Scale

3.0 Core Rules

6.0 Combat 101

10.0 My Rule

10.1 The Game

0. The 4X Game label refers to a game genre with specific game play conventions: Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate

Explore means players send scouts across a map to reveal [open or unconcealed] surrounding territories.

Expand means players claim new territory by creating new settlements, or by extending the influence of existing settlements [may also include Diplomacy].

Exploit means players gather and use resources in areas they control, and improve the efficiency of that usage [Economics and Trade].

Exterminate means attacking and eliminating rival players [not limited to Combat, may include Espionage].

Since all territory is eventually claimed, eliminating a rival's presence can be the only way to achieve further expansion [and ultimately winning the Game].

1.0 Ships as moveable Pieces

Starships are built at a Shipyard at the rate of 0.1 superstructure points per week. Systems are installed after achieving 50% of build. Superstructure supports Power production and distribution, which supports Systems [weapons, propulsion, defenses, life support, etc,], which is needed to have a Crew. Ships are rated by hull size, primary mission, and armament. Some ships are multipurpose or are capable of modular swap-outs.

Upgrades, repairs, assignments, and crew rotations can only be performed as a Shipyard, Starbase, or Member planet with a Military base at the rate of 0.2 per week at 4 times the cost.

Number [Size] Hull Type or Class [Superstructure points]

1 [6] Advanced Design [12+]

2 [5] Battleships [12+]

3 [4] Heavy crusiers [8]

- CA+ variants and upgrades [9-10]

4 [3] Cruisers [7]

5 [3] Destroyers [6]

2X3 [1] Frigates [5]

10 ships [23/60]

21 ship fleet [61 / 150]

Planets as non-moving Pieces

How to go from Colony to Full Member World

Colony ships and convoys move personnel, materiel, and colonists under a Colonial Command.

Start with one ‘Level of Productivity.’ Write ’1’ in the Resources box and take a coin representing manpower Allocation.

Next Turn, Select either Resources or Industry to expand. Flip the coin. Heads raises that by one Level. Mark the appropriate box.

The following boxes are Trade and Military. In Advanced Rules, Diplomacy, Fleet Support, and Intelligence follow.

In every Turn, flip any number of coins to increase that box’s Level.

Note: a box may not have higher Level than the box before it. The prior box must support the next one.

4 3 2 with 1 Military is common for most worlds; a Full Member world has 10 10 10 in its primary statistics.

Military (if the world can support one) absorbs starship fleet damage first. The remaining damage is taken one from each box from top to bottom, top to bottom. If combat continues into the next Turn, Military will always equal Trade and not be taken from the Allocation pool [emergency militia act]. The Militia is dissolved in post-war peacetime and the Military must be created and expanded using the previous rules. Military Command assigned to garrisons or a base do not require Allocation [ see Combat].

Uninhabited or primitive worlds can also be manned with scientific or military bases without resorting to the colonization rules.

2.0 The World Board, Movement, and Scale

Pieces occupy spaces that are connected to each other in abstract, ie., treaty, trade route. Each Player controls hir own empire of spaces.

2.1 Scale and Game Time

3.26 ly (1 parsec] to 20 ly [6 parsec] strategic range for starships and fleets in weekly Turn Missions. In abstract, there are no ‘empty’ spaces between worlds. There may be hazards or quarantine worlds within one’s empire, though very rare.

3.0 Core Rules

To Accomplish a Task

Roll under AV vs AV+OV

The total of applied skill or attribute and opposing value

Roll at or below own skill or attribute to win

Create the Encounters

Random Environment Generator

Cityscape / Random Interior / Terrain Generator

- Transit Tables

- Timeline and Random Events

- Define NPC(s) or Opponent(s)

- NPC Reaction Table

- Results

PC moves to a new Location [usually adjacent to the one s/he is in;

An Episode/Encounter takes place with a Difficulty Rating to be rolled against using the above mentioned Attributes, Skills, and Equipment;

The PC passes and gains Experience Points,

or fails and loses Prestige;

Combat can result in Victory and Prestige;

failure can mean the PC is eliminated from the game, or dies.

The Turn ends…

Create a new Encounter

First Contact

Diplomacy occurs when a Player character encounters another [ie., ship-to-ship communications]. Diplomatic Command protocols are set into motion. Treaties for trade, mutual recognition of boundaries, and alliances may be formed.

A border is designated at the outer edge of the empire closest to the first contact encounter. The other empire creates a border as well. At the point where the ship left empire space. Borders can grow in size, as well as the explored space around it.

Combat may also ensue due to a misunderstanding, or if one is of an aggressive race. War, skirmishes, covert operations, black market trade, or intelligence gathering with military build-up may happen frequently.

6.0 Combat 101

A one-to-one battle is 3x Weapons (AV) less 4x Defensive saves (OV) damage to enemy Superstructure.

Ships of the Line

Each Skirmish may have up to 4 ships may enter the Arena with the lead ship at the front [top] and most heavily protected at the rear [bottom] by the wing commander or Player. Randomize both the total firepower less opponent’s defenses to determine total damage. Ships are removed from play top to bottom when fully damaged [crippled] and the remaining is ‘dissipated.' Any fighters assigned to carrier in this group may target at rolls of 1-4 for the lead ship, 5-7 for the second, 8-9 for the one after that, and a 10 to hit the core ship. If a carrier is destroyed, its fighters are removed from play.


Phasers- 25 iso-tonnes displacement [usually in banks of two]
Disruptors- 25 iso-tonnes displacement turrets
Plasma torpedoes- seeking, warp-capable (damage = launching ship size)
Photon torpedoes- 50 iso-tonnes load capable of displacing 50,000 tons of superstructure (67.8 megatons atmospheric)

Quantum torpedoes- 1.25 times more powerful than photon torpedo of same displacement (approx 100 megatons)

Missiles (100-1,000) room displacement


Evasive - Target size vs. Attacker size
Anti-missiles- (100-1,000) room displacement
Deflectors- directional at long range
Shields- overlapping shell-like protection
ECM vs. attacker sensor lock
Cloak- requires nearly all tactical [weapons, shields] power

Hand-to-Hand Combat

Hero class- 3 Attack Actions countered by 4 Defense Actions; 3 hits is a “kill”
Normal class- 1 Attack to 2 possible Defense Actions

Mob Combat

Heavy [10 pts] removes 1d10 Infantry, ranged
Mounted [2pts] removes 1-3 adjacent;
- moves up to 6 spaces; 3 spaces deep
Infantry [1 pt] removes 1-3 facing

3-10-3 Rule

10 points distributed among 1 to 3 Line-of-Sight targets;
1 ‘heal’ after each round; 3 accumulated hits removes target
Sniper 1-shot, 100 feet per point
2-shots 5 and 5
3 targets, 3 to 10 shots total
Spray 10 rounds

Planetary Missions


Starship Classifications [old/new]

AD Advanced Design Ships [12/6]
BC/BS Battle cruisers / Battleships [10/5]
CA Heavy Cruisers [8/4]
CR Cruisers [7/3]
DD Destroyers[6/2]
FR Frigates     [5/1]

Starship Classifications [new expanded]


CLASS A (Advanced Ships) (256-500):

Super Nova Ships (ASN)
Nova Ships (AN)
Arsenal Ships (AA)
Devastators (AD)
Stratospheric Cruisers (ACS)
Stratospheric Carriers (AV)
Super Carriers (AVS)
Super Dreadnoughts (ASD)
Hull and Mission Type SFB Yr FASA Superstructure
K-B10 Battleship 35 2286 16
K-B10K Battleship upgrade 35 2286
K-B11K Super Battleship 47 229
R-K10R B-10 conversion 40 2291
R-CON Condor 32 2283 13
R-PRA Praetor 54 2305
Battle Dreadnoughts (ADN)
Super Cruisers (ACA)
Flagships (AFS)
Deep-Space Explorers (ADE)


CLASS B (BattleCraft) (128-256)Dreadnoughts (BDN) 10+
F-DN Federation Dreadnought 20 2271 10
F-DN+ Star League Dreadnought 31 2282 11
F-DNG Ascension Dreadnought 41 2292 12
F-DNH Adamant Heavy Dreadnought 51 2302 13
K-C9 Dreadnought 23 2274 13
R-K9R C-9 Dreadnought conversion 28 2279
BattleShips (BB)
F-BB Yamato Battleship 39 2290
Heavy BattleCruisers (BCH)
BattleCruisers (BC) 10-12
F-BC Bismarck Battlecruiser 45 2296 12
F-BC+ Bismarck Battlecruiser upgrade 45 2296 10
F-BCE Excelsior Battlecruiser 45 2296 11
F-BCG Kirov Battlecruiser 45 2296 11
F-BCF Enterprise-B refit 49 2300 12
F-BCJ New Jersey Battlecruiser 53 2304 12
Warships (BW)-Sarlicons Only
StarCruisers (BSC)
Fleet Carriers (BV)
F-CVA Coronado thru-deck 3 fighter groups 20 2271 8
F-CVB Coronado thru-deck 4 fighter groups 20 2271 8
Heavy Carriers (BVH)
Assault Carriers (BAV)
Attack Carriers (BVA)
Stellar Control Ships (BSCS)


CLASS C (Combatants) (64-128)

Heavy Cruisers (CH) 8
Constitution c 2245 0 2251 8
Constitution Mk3 r 2265 13 2264 8
Enterprise refit r 2272 22 2273 8
K-D7A Original series Battlecruiser 0 2251 8
K-D7M K'tinga Battlecruiser r 2270 20 2271 9
R-WE War Eagle ver of sub-light War Bird 0 2251
R-WER War Eaglr refit 16 2267
R-K7R D7 Battlecruiser conversion 16 2267
R-KE King Eagle 24 2275
R-FHA Fire Hawk 30 2281
R-NHK Nova Hawk Command Cruiser 39 2290

Medium Cruisers (CME)
K-D6 Battlecruiser 0 2251 7
K-D6B Battlecruiser 20 2271 7
K-D6K Battlecruiser 35 2286 7
R-SPA Sparrow Hawk War Cruiser 26 2277 7
R-SPA+ Sparrow Hawk War Cruiser upgrade 39 2290
R-SPL Sparrow Hawk War Cruiser Leader 32 2283

Standard / Light Cruisers (CL / CA) 6
F-CL Akula Light Cruiser 10 2261
F-CR Knox Cruiser 0 2251 6
F-NCL New Light Cruiser 30 2281 7
F-NCL+ New Light Cruiser 37 2288
F-NCD New Drone Cruiser 32 2283
F-NCD+ New Drone Cruiser 39 2290
F-CLC Light Command Cruiser 41 2292
K-D5 War Cruiser 25 2276
K-D5K War Cruiser 38 2289
R-WB War Bird 0 2251
R-BH Battle Hawk 0 2251 5
R-BHR Battle Hawk refit 16 2267

Armored Cruisers (CAB)
F-NCA Reliant New Heavy Cruiser 44 2295 8
F-NCC Miranda New H Command Cruiser 48 2299 9

Strike Cruisers (CS)
F-CB Belknap Strike Cruiser 39 2290 9

Assault Cruisers (CSA)
K-D6G Commando Battlecruiser 0 2251 7
K-D6GB Commando Battlecruiser 22 2273 7

Medium Carriers (CM)
K-D6V Battlecarrier 0 2251 7

Light Carriers (CL)
K-D5V War Carrier 27 2278
K-D5G War Commando Cruiser 27 2278

Fleet Cruisers (CF)
Shield Cruisers (CSH)
Area Defense Cruisers (CAD)
Escort Cruisers (CE)

Command Cruisers (CC) 9
F-CC Lexington Command Cruiser 0 2251 9
F-CC+ Decatur Command Cruiser 20 2271 9
K-D7C Command Battlecruiser 0 2251 9

Multi-Role Cruisers (CMR)
War Cruisers (CW)
Auxiliary Cruisers (CAX)

Missile Cruisers (CM)
K-D6D Drone Battlecruiser 0 2251 7
K-D6DB Drone Battlecruiser 22 2273 7

CLASS D (32-64)
Heavy Destroyers (DH)
Standard Destroyers (DD) 6
F-DD Siva Destroyer 0 2251 6
F-DD+ Surya Destroyer 23 2274
Defenders (DF)
Light Carriers (DCV)
F-FFV Carrier Frigate 21 2272
F-FFV+ Carrier Frigate 21 2272
Battle Destroyers (DB)
F-DW War Destroyer 37 2288
R-SKA Sky Hawk War Destroyer new 22 2273 5
Hunter-Killers (DHK)
Advanced Destroyers (DDA)
Minesweepers (DMS)
Destroyer Leaders (DL)
F-DWC Command War Destroyer 39 2290
F-DWC+ Command War Destroyer 41 2292
Guided Weapons Destroyers (DDG)
F-DDG Guided Weapons Destroyer 10 2261
F-DDG+ Guided Weapons Destroyer 25 2276
Scout (SC)
F-SC Hermes Scout 0 2251 3/6

CLASS E (16-32)Escorts (EE) 4
K-E4 Escort 0 2251 4
K-E4Y Escort 25 2276 4
R-K4R K4 conversion Escort 0 2251
R-K4RB K4 conversion Escort upgrade 26 2277
Escort Carriers (ECV)
Clippers (EC)


CLASS F (8-16)Frigates (FF) 5
F-FF Frigate 0 2251 5
F-FFG Improved Frigate 11 2262
K-F5 Frigate 0 2251 5
K-F5K Frigate 35 2286 5
R-SNA Snipe-A 0 2251
R-SNAR Snipe-A refit 14 2265
R-SNB Snipe-A upgrade 28 2279
R-K5R K5 conversion 0 2251
R-K5RB K5 conversion upgrade 26 2277
R-K5L K5 Leader conversion 14 2265
R-K5LB K5 Leader conv upgrade 28 2279
Micro Carriers (FCV)
F-FFV+ Carrier Frigate 21 2272
F-FFB Battle Frigate 33 2284
R-K5V K5 conversion 20 2251
K-F5V Frigate 20 2271 5
Strike Frigates (FS)
Heavy Corvettes (FCH)
Standard Corvettes (FC)
Patrol Cutters (FPC)
Torpedo Lancers (FTL)
F-DWD Drone War Destroyer 39 2290
Combat Scouts (FSC)
Blockade Runners (FBR) - Orion, all Classes
Military Cutters (FMC)

CLASS G (4-8)Gunboats (GB)
Light Corvettes (GC)
Strike Bombers (GSB)
Assault Drop-ships (GDS)
Couriers (GCR)
Survey Scouts (GSC)
Fast Patrol Ships (GFP)
Light Attack Craft (GLAC)


CLASS H (1-2)Heavy Fighters (HF)
Heavy Torpedo Fighters (HTF)
Heavy Drops-hips (HDS)

CLASS I (1)Interceptors (INT)
Attack Fighters (IAF)
Standard Fighters (IF)
Light Fighters (ILF)
Light Drop-ships (IDS)
Standard Shuttles (ISS)
Multi-Role Fighters (IMF)
Fast Fighters (IFF)
Long-Range Fighters (FL)
RPG 1.0
Your Character moves, has Encounters, and resolves Conflicts.
Survive and achieve the Prize! That's IT !
Simplified Roll-Playing Game Rules
0. Introduction
The simplest RPG “board game” method is as follows:
The Board The game Piece [ ]
Random Generator: a coin
Victory conditions
Heads = you win
Tails = remove the game Piece from the Board
Note to the DM: This in no way replaces any existing rules set, rather it can allow for faster resolution of any conflict, and reduce time-consuming procedures.
Every social interaction is a game where we select from various roles to play. Customer, salesperson, order taker, bystander. We allocate our basic characteristics towards physical appearance, intelligence, and inherent abilities. We can initiate a conversation, apply a skill, do nothing, or punch 'em. Results may vary. This is also true online.

Starship Tactical Combat
Use MADR Rules
Movement Phase
Exit warp at extreme weapons range is 400,000 km (200,000 kellikams) and
Each Unit moves to approach at sub-light speeds of 0.1-.25c
Attack Phase
Each Unit attacks to-hit nearest target(s) within line-of-sight (LOS)
Fire weapons at 3-second Phases closing at 100,000 km relative each
Each ship flips a coin to-hit for each weapons package at a designated target
Defemse Phase
Each Unit performs a defensive save to avoid otherwise successful hits
Each ship flips a coin for each defensive action to avoid being hit, i.e.., evasive, shields, ECM
Result Phase
Total damages are evaluated at the end of a ten-second Turn
Determine the damage of successful hits and remove Units with zero value or less
Come around for another pass OR fall back for the next wave.
Ships of the Fleet
Advanced Design [AD6/12]- Dreadnought
Battleships[BB5/10] -
- [CVB+4ftr]
CA Heavy cruisers [CA4/8]- Starfleet Constitution class, Klingon D
- [CVA1+3ftr] [CC4#]
Cruisers, Medium and Light [CR3/7]
- [CW2*]
Destroyers / Escorts [DD2/6]
- [DDG2*]
Frigates [FR1/5]
Heavy support ships
Groups [3CA4(12)] [3FQ*] [CVA+12(25+)]
Extras *photon, guided, or plasma torpedo # C-N-C ftr fighter squadrons


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