The Omniverse of a God named Rod

The Omniverse of a God named Rod
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Friday, December 3, 2010

Illuminati New World Order

Chess, connections, and the Conspiracy
-  All games of strategy and interactions explored. Board games, role-playing, miniatures and data charts.
-  Komerex Klinzhai, Klinon culture and society, and the Empire.
Illuminati: New World Order INWO
-  Unsolved cold cases of the FBI...wierd was NOT a criteria to be filed away in this basement room.
Wall of the Weird
-  Connections
Illuminati New World Order by Steve Jackson Games
The Official INWO Card List      April 18, 1995
INWO Concordance
FNORD Symbolism on cards
The Official INWO Card List      April 18, 1995
Here it is - the official card list for Illuminati: New World Order. We
didn't publish this list when the game came out for several reasons . . .
and the best one is that so many collectors seem to enjoy figuring it out
for themselves! It was amazing to watch the messages fly back and forth on
the Internet newsgroup, as recipients of our
free Rare cards started posting what they got, and other folks who just
bought truckloads of cards started putting lists together. (We saw the
first post listing every card in the original release only 4 days after the
Dec. 16 release.)
But for those of you who don't have access to the net, this information
could come in handy, especially come trading time. If game play is all
you're concerned about, then trading based on a card's merits and how it
fits with the type of deck you're trying to build is fine. But for you
collectors out there, knowing the rarity of each card is a must.
One more thing : We're very pleased to give the artists who worked so hard
on INWO specific credit for each and every card. So don't be shy when you
see them at a convention - get 'em to autograph the cards they helped
Copyright (C) 1995 Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Permission is given to
photocopy this list for personal use.

C - Common                    U - Uncommon
R - Rare                      I - Illuminati
S - Special
Grp. - Group Cards            Plc. - Place (Group)
Per. - Personality (Group)    Res. - Resource (Group)
Plot - Plot Cards             Ass. - Assassination (Plot)
Dis. - Disaster (Plot)        Ill. - Illuminati
Bill - Bill Barker            Rick H. - Rick Harris
Jeff - Jeff Koke              John - John Kovalic
Derek - Derek Pearcy          Shea - Shea Ryan
Dan - Dan Smith               Ruth - Ruth Thompson
Gary - Gary Washington
Jeff - Jeff Koke              Rick - Rick Martin
Derek - Derek Pearcy

Name                          Freq. Type  Artist  Coloring
18 1/2-Minute Gap             R     Plot  Shea    Jeff
A.M.A.                        C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Adepts of Hermes              I     Ill.  Shea    Derek
Agent in Place                C     Plot  Shea    Derek
Air Magic (Limited)           U     Plot  Shea    Rick
   (Unlimited)                            Dan     Jeff
Al Gore                       C     Per.  Shea    Jeff
Albino Alligators             C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Alternate Goals               C     Plot  Dan     Rick
American Autoduel             C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
And STAY Dead!                C     Plot  Shea    Rick
Angel's Feather               C     Res.  Shea    Jeff
Angst                         R     Plot  Dan     Derek
Annual Convention             R     Plot  Dan     Derek
Anti-Nuclear Activists        C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Antiwar Activists             R     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Are We Having Fun Yet?        C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Ark of the Covenant           R     Res.  Shea    Derek
Assertiveness Training        C     Plot  Shea    Derek
Atomic Monster                C     Dis.  Dan     Derek
The Auditor from Hell         C     Plot  Dan     Rick
B.A.T.F.                      U     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Backlash                      C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Bank Merger                   U     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Bank of England               R     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Bavarian Illuminati           I     Ill.  Jeff    Jeff
Benefit Concert               C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Bermuda Triangle              I     Ill.  Dan     Jeff
Big Media                     C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
The Big Score                 C     Plot  Dan     Rick
The Big Sellout               R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Bigfoot                       C     Res.  Shea    Derek
Bill Clinton                  C     Per.  Shea    Derek
Bimbo at Eleven               C     Plot  Shea    Derek
Bjorne                        C     Per.  Shea    Derek
Black Activists               C     Grp.  Shea    Derek
Blitzkrieg                    R     Plot  Dan     Rick
Blood, Toil, Tears            C     Plot  Shea    Rick
   and Sweat
Bodyguard                     R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Book of Kells                 U     Res.  Shea    Jeff
Botched Contact               U     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Boy Sprouts                   C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Brazil                        C     Plc.  Dan     Jeff
Bribery                       U     Plot  Dan     Rick
The Bronze Head               C     Res.  Shea    Derek
C.I.A.                        R     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Cable TV                      C     Grp.  John    Rick
California                    C     Plc.  Dan     Jeff
Canada                        R     Plc.  Shea    Jeff
Car Bomb                      C     Ass.  Dan     Derek
Cattle Mutilators             R     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Celebrity Spokesman           U     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Censorship                    U     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Center for Disease            U     Plc.  Dan     Rick
Center for Weird Studies      C     Res.  Rick H. Derek
CFL-AIO                       R     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Charismatic Leader            C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
China                         R     Plc.  Dan     Derek
Church of Elvis               U     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Citizenship Award             C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Clipper Chip                  C     Res.  Dan     Jeff
Clone                         U     Plot  Dan     Derek
Clone Arrangers               C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Cold Fusion                   C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Combined Disasters            U     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Comic Books                   U     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Commitment                    U     Plot  Dan     Derek
Computer Security             R     Plot  Dan     Derek
Computer Virus                U     Plot  Dan     Rick
Congressional Wives           U     Grp.  Shea    Derek
Conspiracy Theorists          C     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Corruption                    R     Plot  Dan     Rick
Count Dracula                 R     Per.  Shea    Derek
Counter-Revolution            R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Counterspell                  U     Plot  Dan     Derek
Cover of Darkness             R     Plot  Dan     Derek
Cover-Up                      R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Crop Circles                  C     Plot  Shea    Rick
Crystal Skull                 R     Res.  Dan     Jeff
Currency Speculation          C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Cyborg Soldiers               R     Res.  Dan     Jeff
Cycle Gangs                   C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Dan Quayle                    C     Per.  Shea    Jeff
Deasil Engine                 R     Plot  John    Rick
Death Mask                    U     Res.  Shea    Derek
Deep Agent                    C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Democrats                     U     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Dentists                      C     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Deprogrammers                 U     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Dictatorship                  C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Dinosaur Park                 U     Plc.  Dan     Derek
Discordian Society            I     Ill.  Jeff    Jeff
Dollars for Decency           U     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Double-Cross                  C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Druids                        C     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Early Warning                 C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Earth Magic                   C     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Earthquake                    C     Dis.  Dan     Jeff
Earthquake Projector          C     Res.  Dan     Derek
Eat The Rich!                 R     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Eco-Guerrillas                C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
EFF                           R     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Elders of Zion                R     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Eliza                         U     Res.  Dan     Derek
Elvis                         R     Per.  Shea    Jeff
Embezzlement                  R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Emergency Powers              C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Empty Vee                     C     Grp.  Shea    Derek
England                       C     Plc.  Shea    Jeff
Epidemic                      C     Dis.  Shea    Jeff
Evil Geniuses for a           R     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
   Better Tomorrow
Exposed!                      C     Plot  Dan     Rick
F.B.I.                        C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Faction Fight                 R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Fast Food Chains              C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Federal Reserve               U     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Feminists                     U     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Fidel Castro                  U     Per.  Dan     Derek
Fiendish Fluoridators         C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Finland                       R     Plc.  Shea    Jeff
The First Thing We Do,        R     Plot  Shea    Jeff
   Let's Kill All The Lawyers
Flat Earthers                 C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Flower Power                  U     Plot  Shea    Rick
Flying Saucer                 C     Res.  Dan     Jeff
Fnord Motor Company           C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Fnord!                        C     Plot  Derek   Derek
Foiled!                       U     Plot  Shea    Rick
Forgery                       U     Plot  Shea    Jeff
France                        C     Plc.  John    Jeff
Fraternal Orders              C     Grp.  John    Jeff
Freaking the Mundanes         U     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Fred Birch Society            R     Grp.  Shea    Rick
The Frog God                  C     Res.  Shea    Jeff
Full Moon                     U     Plot  Dan     Derek
Fundie Money                  C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Gang War                      U     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Gay Activists                 U     Grp.  Shea    Derek
George Bush                   C     Per.  Shea    Rick
George the Janitor            C     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Germany                       R     Plc.  John    Jeff
Giant Kudzu                   U     Dis.  Dan     Jeff
Girlie Magazines              C     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Gnomes of Zurich              I     Ill.  Derek   Derek
Goal: Criminal Overlords      U     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Goal: Fratricide              C     Plot  Shea    Derek
Goal: Hail Eris!              C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Goal: Kill For Peace!         R     Plot  Dan     Derek
Goal: Let Them Eat Cake!      U     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Goal: Power for Its           R     Plot  Shea    Derek
   Own Sake
Goal: Power to the            U     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Goal: The Corporate           C     Plot  Ruth    Derek
Goal: The Hand of             C     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Goal: Up Against              R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
   the Wall!
Goldfish Fanciers             R     Grp.  Shea    Derek
Good Polls (Limited)          C     Plot  Dan     Rick
   (Unlimited)                            Dan     Derek
Gordo Remora                  C     Per.  Shea    Jeff
Grassroots Support            C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
The Great Pyramid             S     Plc.  Shea    Jeff
Gremlins                      R     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Gun Lobby                     C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Hackers                       U     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Hallucinations                C     Res.  Dan     Derek
Hammer of Thor                C     Res.  Shea    Derek
Harmonica Virgins             C     Plot  Shea    Derek
Hat Trick                     C     Plot  John    Jeff
Hawaii                        C     Plc.  Shea    Rick
Head in a Jar                 U     Plot  Dan     Derek
Hex                           R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Hidden City                   U     Res.  Shea    Rick
Hidden Influence              R     Plot  Shea    Rick
Hillary Clinton               C     Per.  Shea    Derek
Hit and Run                   C     Ass.  Gary    Derek
Hitler's Brain                R     Res.  Dan     Derek
Hoax!                         U     Plot  Shea    Derek
Hollywood                     U     Plc.  Shea    Jeff
The Holy Grail                R     Res.  Shea    Jeff
Hurricane                     C     Dis.  Dan     Rick
I Lied                        U     Plot  Shea    Jeff
I.R.S.                        U     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Imelda Marcos                 C     Per.  Shea    Rick
Immortality Serum             R     Res.  Shea    Derek
Impostor                      C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Infobahn                      C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Intellectuals                 C     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Interference                  C     Plot  Shea    Rick
International Cocaine         C     Grp.  Dan     Rick
International                 R     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
   Communist Conspiracy
International Weather         U     Grp.  Shea    Derek
The Internet Worm             U     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Name                          Freq. Type  Artist  Coloring
Israel (Limited)              R     Plc.  John    Rick
   (Unlimited)                            Dan     Jeff
Italy                         R     Plc.  Shea    Rick
Jake Day                      C     Plot  Shea    Derek
Japan                         C     Plc.  John    Derek
Jihad                         C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Jimmy Hoffa                   R     Per.  Dan     Rick
Joggers                       C     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Junk Mail                     U     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Just Say No                   C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Ketchup Is A Vegetable        C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Kinder and Gentler            C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
KKK                           C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
L-4 Society (Limited)         U     Grp.  John    Rick
   (Unlimited)                            Dan     Derek
Las Vegas                     C     Plc.  Shea    Derek
Lawyers                       C     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Let's Get Organized           C     Plot  Shea    Rick
Let's Get REALLY              U     Plot  Shea    Rick
Let's You and Him Fight       R     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Liberal Agenda                C     Plot  Shea    Rick
Libertarians                  R     Grp.  Shea    Rick
The Library at Alexandria     U     Res.  Shea    Jeff
Liquor Companies              R     Grp.  John    Jeff
Loan Sharks                   C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Local Police Departments      U     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Loch Ness Monster             C     Res.  Shea    Jeff
Logic Bomb                    R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Madison Avenue                C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
The Mafia                     R     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Manuel Noriega                U     Per.  Dan     Rick
March on Washington           C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Margaret Thatcher             U     Per.  Dan     Rick
Market Manipulation           U     Plot  John    Rick
Martial Law                   C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Martyrs                       C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Mass Murder                   R     Plot  Derek   Derek
Media Blitz                   C     Plot  Shea    Rick
Media Connections             R     Plot  Shea    Rick
Media Sensation               C     Per.  Dan     Jeff
The Men in Black              R     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Mercenaries                   C     Res.  Dan     Jeff
Messiah                       R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Meteor Strike                 U     Dis.  Dan     Jeff
MI-5                          U     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Midas Mill                    C     Res.  Dan     Derek
Miracle Diet Plan             C     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Mistaken Identity             R     Plot  Dan     Rick
Mob Influence                 C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Monopoly                      C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Moonbase                      C     Plc.  Dan     Derek
Moonies                       C     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Moral Minority                C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Mossad                        R     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Mothers' March                C     Plot  Shea    Rick
Multinational Oil             U     Grp.  John    Jeff
Murphy's Law                  U     Plot  John    Rick
Mutual Betrayal               C     Plot  Shea    Rick
N.S.A.                        R     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Nancy Reagan                  R     Per.  Shea    Rick
NASA                          U     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Nationalization               C     Plot  Shea    Derek
NATO                          R     Grp.  Shea    Derek
Necronomicon                  U     Res.  Shea    Derek
Nephews of God                C     Grp.  Shea    Derek
The Network                   I     Ill.  Dan     Jeff
Never Surrender               C     Plot  Dan     Rick
New Blood                     C     Plot  Shea    Derek
New Federal Budget            U     Plot  Dan     Rick
New York                      U     Plc.  Dan     Rick
Nice Idea. It's Mine Now.     R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Ninjas                        C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Nobel Peace Prize             C     Plot  Shea    Derek
Nuclear Accident              C     Dis.  Dan     Rick
Nuclear Power                 C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
NWO: A Thousand               U     Plot  Dan     Rick
   Points of Light (blue)
NWO: Bigger Business          U     Plot  John    Jeff
NWO: Chicken in Every         C     Plot  Shea    Rick
   Pot (blue)
NWO: Don't Forget to          C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
   Smash the State (yellow)
NWO: Energy Crisis            R     Plot  John    Rick
NWO: Fear and                 U     Plot  Dan     Rick
   Loathing (blue)
NWO: Gun Control (red)        U     Plot  Dan     Jeff
NWO: Law and                  U     Plot  Dan     Rick
   Order (yellow)
NWO: Military-Industrial      C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
   Complex (yellow)
NWO: Peace In Our             C     Plot  John    Derek
   Time (red)
NWO: Political                U     Plot  Dan     Rick
   Correctness (red)
NWO: Solidarity (red)         C     Plot  Shea    Derek
NWO: Tax Reform (red)         R     Plot  John    Rick
NWO: World Hunger             C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
NWO: World War 3              R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
An Offer You Can't Refuse     R     Plot  Dan     Derek
Offshore Banks                U     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Ollie North                   U     Per.  Dan     Rick
OPEC                          C     Grp.  Shea    Derek
Opportunity Knocks            R     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Orbit One                     U     Plc.  Dan     Jeff
Orbital Mind Control          C     Res.  Dan     Derek
The Oregon Crud               R     Dis.  Shea    Rick
Paranoids                     C     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Payoff                        C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Pentagon                      C     Plc.  Dan     Jeff
Perpetual Motion              R     Res.  Dan     Derek
Phone Company                 U     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Phone Phreaks                 C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Plague of Demons              R     Dis.  Dan     Jeff
Pledge Drive                  U     Plot  Shea    Rick
Poison                        C     Ass.  Shea    Derek
Pollsters                     R     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Post Office                   C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Power Corrupts                C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Power Grab                    C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Prince Charles                U     Per.  Shea    Rick
Princess Di                   U     Per.  Shea    Derek
Principia Discordia           C     Res.  Shea    Jeff
Privatization                 C     Plot  Shea    Derek
Privileged Attack             C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Professional Sports           U     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Psychiatrists                 U     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Pulitzer Prize                C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Punk Rockers                  C     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Purge                         C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Pyramid Marketing             S     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Rain of Frogs                 U     Dis.  Shea    Rick
Reach Out . . .               R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Read My Lips                  C     Plot  John    Rick
Recording Industry            C     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Red Cross                     R     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Red Scare                     U     Plot  Dan     Derek
Reformed Church of            U     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Religious Reich               C     Grp.  Shea    Derek
Reload!                       U     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Reorganization                C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Republicans                   U     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Resistance Is Useless!        R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Revolution!                   U     Plot  Dan     Rick
Rewriting History             R     Plot  John    Jeff
Rifkinites                    R     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Robot Sea Monsters            U     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Rogue Boomer                  C     Res.  Dan     Derek
Ronald Reagan                 C     Per.  Shea    Jeff
Rosicrucians                  C     Grp.  Shea    Derek
Ross Perot                    R     Per.  Dan     Rick
Russia                        C     Plc.  Shea    Derek
S.M.O.F.                      R     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Sabotage                      R     Plot  Dan     Derek
Saddam Hussein                C     Per.  Shea    Jeff
Saturday Morning              U     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Save the Whales               C     Plot  Shea    Derek
Savings & Loan Scam           U     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Savings and Loans             R     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Scandal                       R     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Science Fiction Fans          C     Grp.  Dan     Rick
The Second Bullet             C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Secret Service                R     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Secrets Man Was Not           U     Plot  Dan     Derek
   Meant To Know
Secular Humanists             U     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Seize The Time!               U     Plot  Dan     Derek
Self-Esteem                   C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Semiconscious                 C     Grp.  Dan     Rick
   Liberation Army
Senate Investigating          R     Plot  Shea    Rick
Servants of Cthulhu           I     Ill.  Dan     Jeff
Shangri-La                    I     Ill.  Dan     Derek
Shroud of Turin               R     Res.  Shea    Jeff
Silicon Valley                U     Plc.  Dan     Jeff
Slush Fund                    C     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Sniper                        U     Ass.  Dan     Rick
Society for Creative          C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Soulburner                    R     Res.  Shea    Derek
South American Nazis          R     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Spasm of Violence             R     Plot  Dan     Derek
Spear of Longinus             C     Res.  Shea    Derek
The Stars Are Right           R     Plot  Dan     Rick
Stealing the Plans            C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Stock Split                   C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Stonehenge                    C     Plc.  Shea    Derek
Straighten Up                 C     Plot  Dan     Rick
Subliminals                   R     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Sucked Dry and                U     Plot  Dan     Jeff
   Cast Aside!
Suicide Squad                 U     Res.  Shea    Jeff
Supreme Court                 R     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Survivalists                  C     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Sweeping Reforms              U     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Sweepstakes Prize             C     Plot  Shea    Rick
Swiss Bank Account            C     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Switzerland                   C     Plc.  Shea    Rick
Tabloids                      U     Grp.  Shea    Derek
Talisman of Ahrimanes         C     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Tax Breaks                    U     Plot  Shea    Rick
Telephone Psychics            C     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Templars                      C     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Terrorist Nuke                C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Texas (Limited)               R     Plc.  Dan     Rick
   (Unlimited)                            Dan     Derek
Tidal Wave                    C     Dis.  Dan     Jeff
Time Warp                     R     Plot  Dan     Derek
Tobacco Companies             C     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Tornado                       C     Dis.  John    Rick
Trading Card Games            S     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Trekkies                      C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Triliberal Commission         R     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
TV Preachers                  C     Grp.  Shea    Derek
UFOs                          I     Ill.  Bill    Jeff
Underground                   R     Grp.  Dan     Rick
United Nations                C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
Unlucky 13                    R     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Unmasked!                     R     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Upheaval!                     C     Plot  Dan     Derek
Urban Gangs                   C     Grp.  Shea    Derek
Vampires                      C     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Vatican City                  C     Plc.  Dan     Jeff
Video Games                   C     Grp.  Dan     Rick
Volcano                       U     Dis.  Dan     Derek
Volunteer Aid                 C     Plot  Shea    Derek
Voodoo Economics              C     Plot  Shea    Rick
Voudonistas                   U     Grp.  Shea    Rick
Vultures                      C     Plot  Dan     Rick
W.I.T.C.H.                    C     Grp.  Dan     Derek
Wall Street                   C     Grp.  Shea    Jeff
Warehouse 23                  U     Res.  Shea    Jeff
Wargamers                     C     Grp.  Dan     Jeff
The Weak Link                 R     Plot  Dan     Jeff
Weather Satellite             U     Res.  Dan     Jeff
The Weird Turn Pro            C     Plot  Shea    Rick
Whispering Campaign           C     Plot  Shea    Jeff
Withering Curse               R     Ass.  Shea    Jeff
World Cup Victory             R     Plot  Dan     Rick
Xanadu                        C     Res.  Shea    Jeff
There are eight different Starter Set box backs. Two are more common than
the rest:
Cheat Sheet (common)
Deck Design
Illuminated Goals
Play Sequence (common)
The Bidding Game
To The Death
World Conquest 101
Found it on SJG
 Advent of Deception

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