The Omniverse of a God named Rod

The Omniverse of a God named Rod
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Friday, September 10, 2010

WELCOME to My World Wide WEB

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Enter the TARDIS

Welcome to my TARDIS. Well not actually mine...It was lent to me by someone who calls himself The Doctor. Although if you were to ask for his credentials, it would be in whatever language you spoke, or thought for that matter. Oh don't worry, this one was a spare he had lying around on some space station orbiting a sun about to go supernova. What system you say? Solar something, the neighbors called it. Humans I think they called themselves. Splendid chaps, they were.

Anyway, where were we...

Oh yes, the TARDIS. It is a fascinating machine, a vehicle really. Although some say it doesn't go anywhere. Reality goes around it! And it’s not an it, really. It’s a living thing! Some say part of the larger evolutionary end of life. What’s important is we can move to any time and relative dimension in space. TARDIS. Simple really, welll maybe not always so simple. But wherever you go, there you are! Stepping out the door to a new world. The exterior blends in with its natural surroundings. A chameleon circuit. The only limit to its size is the doorway. Sometimes it is only the door that manifests itself. I remember once, there was this time on Venus, where it was shaped like a...what was that! You've heard that one before? A chap named Bill said it? London? Well no wonder, they practically invented the English language! Although I hearsay he was a Klingon. And his mistress wrote more than half those plays.

The inside is much bigger than the outside seems. Infinitely bigger. No one yet has found an outer wall or window! Rooms and cargo spaces; no passengers or cargo to speak of. And swimming pools, at least three of them. Now if you don't mind, let's get started. Right...

The Bottom Line

The End Omega, The Big Crunch, The Final Tally, Sector 666

Everything that does not have a category will be dumped here. The deepest cavern of cargo space, not by far the largest! This post will always stay at the “bottom.”

The History of Things That Never Were
The Continuing Voyages
 Enterprise, End and Beginning   /  Phase II  /  Ressurection of the Enterprise  / 
Ent Mirror Intro  /  Mirror Universe Mix  /  ISS Enterprise 2009 movie trailer  / 
Eugenics Wars  / 
Starfleet Battles That Never Were
USS Stingray  /  Doctor Who/Trek  /  Fleet Combat  / 
First launch of the USS Valiant  /  Last Battle of the USS Valiant
Doomsday Machine II  /