The Omniverse of a God named Rod

The Omniverse of a God named Rod
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Simplified Role Play

The Infinity GameThere are two kinds of cards to put in Play.
Things are people, vehicles, places... troops, starships, fleets, cities, nations, planets, empires.
Actions are what can be done in a 3-second turn, or in a canpaign, ie, year.
There are two kinds of Actions...
Active attacks, skill checks based on what the Thing in Play can do
Defensive saves, as an action or passive.
There are other cards to play The Game...
Events are Missions, Encounters, and timed Events.
Goals are held and once met are shown to end the Game.
Take 25 chits and place 10 on the board. This your Home Base.
Build three mobile Units with 3, 2, and 1 chit.
Place one chit on every space adjacent to your Home, as explored, at the cost of 1 chit each.
Continue, spreading out adjacent spaces to claim them. You may establish a Colony on any of them by adding to its value (up to 5 total each).
End Set up
Log your Things and Actions
Every Turn
Move Units at no cost within explored space, as follows:
E1 up to six spaces to an unclaimed space to explore it at the cost of 1 chit;
D2 up to five spaces to patrol and defend explored space at no cost;
C3 up to four spaces in explored space to establish, resupply an Outpost or Colony at the cost of 1 chit;
Build a Unit at Home at the cost of 1 chit (2 Turns for a D2; 3 for C3) for every 10 chits currently in your Treasury
Market changes by flipping the chits remainng in your Treasury, showing Gains minus Losses.
Collect "taxes" from member worlds and Colonies with a positive market; pay those others.
Missions are drawn and applied to a random explored space for the nearest suitable Unit to perform;
Encounters are random and occur as a surprise on any one Unit from an external source;
Tasks are dull routine and are applied on any Unit as internal skill checks.

Combat occurs when a border is breached by another Player's mobile Unit
Space Based Empires
Home world and Base 10 Economic Production points [EP]
Multi-mission Cruiser CR3 2 phasers p/s, 1 torpedoe tube fwd; move 1-4
Military Destroyer DD2 2 phasers p/s, 1 torpedoe tube fwd; move 1-5
Explorer Scout ES1 2 phasers p/s, 1 torpedoe tube fwd; move 1-6

Move the Scout ship one space and explore it for the following:
Main sequence star
Planetary system with minerals
Class M world with resources
Civilization and technology
- cost: 1 EP
End Turn 1

Every Turn
Move Scout to an unexplored space and repeat the procedure OR
Return to Home Base for rest, re-stock, repairs or refit [RRnR]
Move Destroyer to Patrol any explored space
Move Cruiser to any explored star-planetary system to claim it
- it costs 1 EP to establish an Outpost

Each of the fillowing ships may do the following at the cost of 1 EP;
Scouts plant a bouy or sensor station (surface);
Destroyers establish a weapons platform or defense outpost (surface);
Cruisers begin construction of a starbase (planetary or deep space);
Transports (convoy) add infrastructure to any established colony or outpost;
Traders (merchant fleets) and Corporations (planet bound HQs) provide economic stability;
A ship may not pass through an unexplored space without stopping to explore it first;
Any ship may move up to its maximum, no more than 6 parsecs from an established Outpos or Base.
- there is no cost for movement within explored space.

Everything costs resources in the form of manpower, materiel, and production.
Each Player begins with a Treasury of 25 EPs to be used every "year" or about ten Turns.
- a shipyard for every 10 EP in the Treasury at the start of the Turn;
- starship construction of about 50,000 tons of superstructure, a weapons or mission specialty suite, power and systems distribution, capable of carrying 100+ crew;
FR1 takes a year to build; CA4 takes four years from being laid to comissioned.

Missions, encounters, and tasks
Missions are drawn and applied to any explored parsec-space;
Encounters are random and occur as a surprise on any one ship;
Tasks are dull routine and are applied on any ship.

Players may attempt to hinder opposing Players thru direct combat at a frontier (edge). The winner takes the loser's piece played. You just present one of your beloved Pieces and declare combat. If you win, you gain agreed upon Points based on the opponent's strength compared to your own AND you take that Piece for your own.
The space and its counterpart is declared a border, neutral zone, nexus, or wormhole between Players' empires. Entry into this space by either side is an act of war. Expansion around it is still allowed.

An opposing Player may covet your Empire, or just part of it's growing territory.
Espionage allows Players to destabilize part of an opponent's empire. A failed attempt loses that asset and points are awarded to its captor.
People- 5-30 feet
Troops- 5-30 mph
Armies and navies- 1,000 miles in half a week (30 mph)
Fleets- 20-100 ly a year
star fleet battle force cards / star fleet battles ssd sheets / The STSTCSOLD&A

Simplified Role-Playing Game


- 1.  Role-Playing Game views
- 2.  FaceBook as actual rooms
Paint to Word page format
Hand-to-Hand v3
- Attacks
- Defenses
Text to Word
- To be made into a comic book form...
Virtual Rodney
The Federation-Klingon-Romulan Zone

To be made into a comic book form...
1.  Role-Playing Game views
1.1 Halls and Rooms
1.2 Open Terrain
1.3 Starship Simulator
1.  Role-Playing Game views

1.1 Halls and Rooms
panel 1 of 9 page 1- Your Character
panel 2 of 9 page 1- Hallway or corridor
panel 3 of 9 page 1- Door
panel.row 2 of of 3 page 1- Full view of the Room
  [L] [Foreward] [R]
panel 7 of 9 page 1- Object Goal
panel 8 of 9 page 1- Guard by, ie., monster
panel 9 of 9 page 1- Battle plan
Example Set up:
Your Characteer
Human male soldier, wt 225 lbs, strength 300 lbs, health 900 lbs
15 ft wide, 15 ft cieling, ends at 100 ft; doors, left and right at 10 and 70 feet
Right side, closest; not locked;
Open door, short-range weapon drawn- 4 atk, 2 def, 1 rum/retreat option
Full view of the Room
60 ft square, 20 feet to cieling, no columns; onoccupied
  [L door to adjoining room] [Foreward] [R wall]
Object Goal
Wall safe closest to left wall
Cluttered floor has probable explosives or detectors
Battle plan
Avoid the door along the left wall
Evasive moves closest to right wall, then across the floor nearest the back

Hand-to-Hand v3
Each person has the following basic actions available…
Punch- opposing side
Chop- 2x damage
Backhand- other side 2x damage
Uppercut- special 3x damage
Body blow
Snap kick
Roundhouse kick
Head butt
Scratch or claw
3 Basic Defenses- Block, Dodge, or Parry-
Block- 1 action Strength to Strength
Side-step- 2 action Agility to Agility
Duck- 3 action Agility to Agility
Jump- special action Agility to Agility
Parry- 4 action Agility to Strength; allows for one extra Attack Action
1.2 Open Terrain
panel 1 of 9 page 1- Your Character
panel 2 of 9 page 1- Road or pathway
panel 3 of 9 page 1- Turn-off
panel.row 2 of of 3 page 1- Full view of Terrain
  [L] [Foreward] [R]
panel 7 of 9 page 1- Object Goal
panel 8 of 9 page 1- Guard by, ie., monster
panel 9 of 9 page 1- Battle plan

1.3 Starship Simulator
panel 1 of 9 page 1- Your Starship
panel 2 of 9 page 1- Space or Tactical map
panel 3 of 9 page 1- can be part of panel 2
panel.row 2 of of 3 page 1- Full viewscreem
  [L] [Foreward] [R]
panel 7 of 9 page 1- Object Goal
panel 8 of 9 page 1- Enemy ship, ie., decloaks
panel 9 of 9 page 1- Battlestations!
see my Complete Rules
'Home Brew' Free RPG System Rules
'3Es' - Encounters, Episodes, and Events
One-to-One Combat
Strategic Combat
The Board
Simple Rules On-Line
Hans-to-Hand...Lunch Money
Room-by-Room searches...Munchkin   more


Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Klingon and Romulan Empires

The Klingons were originally portrayed as the primary antagonists in the 1960s. A Cold War existed as much as with the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics then. Expansion from Q'Onos [Moscow] was twofold. A buffer of member worlds [republics] and and conquest of farther resource sectors.

Romulans are a secretive race, similar to the Maoist China of the latter half of the 20th century to the present. Borders and internal security are paramount as in North-South Korea.

Komerex Klinzhai and Stelaam Romulus
And though I had slain a thousand foes less one,
The thousandth knife found my liver;
The thousandth enemy said to me,
'Now you shall die,
Now none shall know.'
And the fool, looking down, believed this,
Not seeing, above his shoulders, the naked stars,
Each one remembering.
--John M. Ford, The Final Reflection

I am a scholar on all things TtlhIngan. As a society, they are a proud and honorable race. There are many career paths, but the military is the most prominent in the current society. All paths are competetive, centering on individual strengths and loyalty first to the Empire, then to their House. Terraan equivalent would be the US Marine Corps. Q'pla !

Topic: Klingon Intelligence Report

The less populated and explored regions of the Komerex is similar to Siberia and the Russian tundra of Earth. For millennia it has had small outposts, too small to be considered towns by any standards. Before the advent of aircraft, these served as way stations for overland rail transport. Primarily to the eastern ports established along the Pacific Ocean.

Items on the WEB...

 An old OverviewAnother and Diplomatic Relations
 Fact Bites WEB search links

The Klingon Diplomatic Corps
 Klignon Language Institute
 Klingonska Akademien
Klingon Language
 Google in Klingon
Klingon Wikipedia

 Klingon Assault Groups

Final Relections on the author of Final Reflections

 Ship Recognition Manual by FASA and more Starship database and schematics

 Klin Zha the strategy board game of choice

 FASA Map put the Empire beyond Orion / Rigel and shaped like the northern African contiment
Star Trek Star Charts, Klingon Empire- pp 64-65 . . .zoom pp. 62-63

Klingon Homeworld – HIP 650050 – 142.75 ly; 45 deg above the Galactic plane in Leo
- past Regulus; HIP 48447 is half way at 71-72 ly
(HD 55693 - 120 ly along the Galactic plane with a class-G primary would have been my choice)
Rura Penthe - HD 50590
Mempa - h Eridani OR HIP 43310 - Sector connecting with Romulan space
Khitomer - Omicron Columbia
Beta Thoridor - HD 30670
Korvat - Pi Canis Major
Starbase 24 - HD 48938
No’mat - Omicron Leo
Brestant - Delta Lep
Outpost 4 - Omega Leo
Gorath - Theta Hydra
Epsilon Hydra - Federation outpost at near Klingon space
Archanis - HIP 37798 -
Donatu - HD 42618 - site of Battle of Donatu V
Cursa - Beta Eridanus
Ardana - Mu Leo [TOS Cloud Minders]
Sherman’s Planet - HD 247168
Organia – HD 18719 –
- HD 76218 - 114.7 ly from HD 55693 (and incidentally the same distance from Beta TRA)
Davlos - Nu Tauri
Adhara - farthest extent of Klingon space
Tribble Prime - Iota Gemini
Tiburon - Omega Fornacis

I am a scholar of the Romulan Way. Romulans have been prortrayed as a proud, but xenophobic race. They are arrogant and mistrustful [of even their own kind, as the Tal'Shiar is the prime example]. Diane Duane, the author of the Rihansuu series shows their best sides. The later series shows their worst aspects with no redeeemng values. It is my hope to find an understanding of this race in all alternate realities, so that crewman Daniels doesn't have to tell Archer "You don't want to look at that" when reaching for the book "The Romulan Empire." Jolan tru.

Topic: Romulan Intelligence Report

The Stelaam Rihansuu has a large centralized form of bureaucracy that governs much of its territory and populace. Similar to the mainland China of Earth, it has been mostly ‘invisible’ to ‘western’ civilization. Even before the advent of the Tal Shiar, the government’s hold over its people, and to a grater extent, its extreme paranoia to other cultures has led to its strength. Other than its ‘open’ ports and physical geography, there is essentially nothing known of its internal society or economy.
-  K’Rea 2250s- Federation space, above the Mempa sector. Two systems, offshoot Romulan race. One supported by Federation peacekeeping forces. The Other a fanatical government ‘tolerated’ by both empires,
-  Indo-Ch’mn 2260s- costly civil war once raged, supported on opposing sides by Romulan and Star Fleet forces.
-  Hmg’k’ng 2300- Former free-trade treaty territory ceded away from the Empire 2161 to 2299. Remains a trade hub after being retaken as Romulan territory. Southernmost near Federation space ports.
-  T’wn [previously Frm’s’] 2245- dissidents and refugees after the fall and disgrace of the Emperor. Seeks Federation support and Star Fleet protection, even with an extensive TAD delivery network aimed at Romulan space.
-  JPN 2340s- Klingons unknowingly allied against the Federation. Destroyed and reoccupied by true Klingons to save face.
- T’B’t/Iconian (ancient)- little is known about this ancient race. Current nomads and outposts are speculated to be at least three species removed.

Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, Romulan Star Empire- pp 66-67 and the Celestia downloaded program . . .
Romulan Homeworld – HIP 650054 - 75.76 ly below the Galactic plane in Hydrus - half way to Achernar
- Beta TRA - 40 ly along the Galactic plane was my choice
Tarod Sector [Sector 030] . . .
Zeta TRA - nearest Romulus (5 ly)
Alpha Cir (15 ly), Nu Octans, Phoenix, 1 Centauri, Iota Pavo, Gamma Tucana,
Cheron - Omicron Gru - battle of,
Zeta Gruis - Earth Forces side of the RNZ (nearest Tarod)
Chi Eridani - Kaleb (Sector Sierra nearest to Earth)
Alpha Mensae - RNZ system closest to Earth (33 ly)
- includes Epsilon and Rho Virgo, and Eta Corvi above Romulan space
Alpha Caelum - Hyralan (Sector Quebec)
- includes Gamma Doradus, Beta Pictor, and Psi Vel
Algeron - Xi Virgo - site of Federation-Romulan Treaty of 2311
“Neutral” - Iota Puppis - half-way between Q’onos and Romulus along the Neutral Zone
Eta Antlia - “small end” of Romulan space
Algorab - northernmost of Romulan space
Achernar - southernmost - New Home world after Hobus supernova destroys Romulus
Pi Mensae - half-way between Algorab and Achernar; and the far side of Romulan space
Gamma Hydra IV - [TOS Deadly Years]
Delta Musca - last Earth Forces outpost of the RNZ
HIP 31134 - center of Romulan space
Beta Vol, Mu Velorum, Xi Hydra, Alpha Vol, and Zeta Vol lead to Gamma Vol -on the other side of Romulan space
Deep Space 6 - Tau Centauri / HD 109787 - 131 ly on the “other side” of Romulan space
Delta Doradus - farthest from Earth (120 ly); near Starbase 173
HIP 34698 - farthest extent of Romulan space

WEB sites of interest...

Wiki entry updated 2009 CE
 Diplomatic Relations
 a Database
Dictionary on the Rihansuu Langiage
 a Romulan Language Generator
 a History of the Earth-Romulan War
 Ruling Passion sim
non-Bordered Map
The Federation-Klingon-Romulan Zone
A largely unexplored region of space running beyond but parallel to the furthest extent of each governments’ treaty zones of expansion. Extending roughly down-arm, each government has its goal, extending long fingers outwards. The Klingons already claim Adhara as their territory, although few ships have explored that far. The Federation has Canopus and beyond as staging areas for further expansion, but has not set up any permanent facilities this far from the home worlds. The Romulan Navies strive to extend beyond the confines of the imposed Neutral Zone as well as the Klingon incursion regions, Their ultimate goal is the Smaller Magellanic Cloud, of which Star Fleet has reached once.

In the overall galactic political picture, the Federation is hemmed in by the two empires to the ‘east’ with previously unknown dangers to the galactic ‘west.’ It was not until the mid-24th centuries that the boundaries of the Cardassian Union and the Tzenthi were tested and arbitrarily ‘defined’ as well as the Tholian Assembly. Later to be adversaries were the Breen Confederacy. These as well as the Romulans, would one day form the Typhon Pact set against the Federation-Klingon Alliance, in the late 24th century. Few ‘allies’ were to be found up-arm, the Ferengi and the First Federation being mostly loose trade routes rather than centralized space-faring governments.

As early as the 2260s it was deemed necessary to explore the richer worlds beyond the Mempa sector, and the furthest extent of the Romulan War Treaty zone.
There were many other excellent Romulan related sites, but they were on Geocities, which Yahoo closed in October 2009.
Alpha Quadrant
Deep Space 9, Bajor, Cardassia
Stardate 5180. later-2374

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Direct Chronology

The Golden Age
1938 - 1951   Justice Society Index [archived]   History of the JSA 
  Checklist   more   more   more   ToonPedia   Hawkman Timeline Project, An Anomaly

1963 and 35 Years ago to 13 Years Ago  The In-Between Years   back to 1952

"The Silver Age" of  Classics to 1966 and  Index 1956 - 1985   appearances   Wiki-Intro
      Superman goes public heralding a new heroic age 6.38 Retcon 6.86   to present
      Bruce Wayne [age 25 "Year One"] becomes Batman 5.39 Retcon #404 3.87 to present
      - debut of Flash II, Green Lantern II, Aquaman, Black Canary II,
        and the Martian Manhunter
      - the debuts of the heroes average age of 23
15 Years Ago 9.56  Retcon 1986 - 87                                Unauthorized Years 0 - 11

The Sixties                                                                             50 years ago Real-Time
      Year One                        JSA '60s                                15 years ago in Hypertime
      Justice League of America
         Brave & Bold #28 (2.60) JLofA (#1-63) 10.60-6.68    Retcon 11.88 1.98            
      Adventure Teams   Forgotten Heroes &  more      Adam Strange
      Dial H    House of Mystery
11 Years Ago  JLofA #21-22 (8-9.63 )        Year 2        14 Years Ago in Hypertime
      JLA/JSA Team-ups   9.63 "annualy" every Thanksgiving [ 22 in all] to 10.84
      Teen Titans #1-53 [7.64?]1965-1979 The Early Years
         Donna Troy 6.65    est age 13    3.66
      Batgirl [age  <17]  1.67 Retcon 1987                       13 Years Ago in Hypertime
The Future . . .    Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes 4.58-9.70          2962-2970

The Seventies   "The Polyester Age"  or "Bronze Age"         40 years ago Real-Time
      Superman [#233 1.71] reassigned to TV News & kryptonite becomes inert;
      Batman more serious;  Barbara Gordon [ age 18]  becomes Congresswoman;
      Green Arrow & Green Lantern road trip of the USA 4.70 ; and
      Wonder Woman temporarily loses her powers [#179 9.68 - 2.73]...          
      ...among other changes to re-vamp comics sales
       JLofA (#64-206)  8.68-9.82     
10 Years Ago   JLofA #78 (2.70)               Year 3                 11 Years Ago Hypertime
      The New Gods '71     Etrigan: The Demon    The Kirby years
      Swamp Thing 9.71        JSA '70s
9 Years Ago  -  JLofA #140-141 (3-4.77)   Year 5                  9 Years Ago Hypertime
8 Years Ago  -  JLofA #158 (9.78) 

The Future . . .Legion of Super-Heroes Archive  (Superboy & Legion) 9.70- 6.81  2980-2983

The Eighties                                                                         30 years ago Real-Time
      New Teen Titans #1-40 11.80-84      now 18 - 7 years ago ?
      JLA #207 - 261  11.82 - 4.87
7 Years Ago  -  JLofA #207 11.82
6 Years Ago  -  JLofA #233 12.84   JLofA Annual #2 (1984)      Who's Who #1
      Batman #408 & The Outsiders #1    Blue Devil     Infinity Inc & JSA '84 - '86  
      Omega Men #1 4.83
      Tales of the Teen Titans #41-91 1984-1988     [average age 16]
         Dick Grayson [age 17] becomes Niightwing  12.84      8 Years Ago Hypertime
The Future... Legion of uper-SHeroes Archive  (volume 2) 7.81-2.87  2984-2986
                  ... Legion of Super-Heroes Archive 3rd series 8.84 - 10.89  2985-2989

Crisis on Infinite Earths  #1-12 4.85 - 3.86

The Late Eighties                                                          Unauthorized Years 11-20
    Year 7  ages of the Titans and Siver Age heroes is 17 and 33, respectively  during the Crisis
                 New Teen Titans #1-49 1984-1989
1986 "End of an Era"  1987 "Reinventions"  1988 "[Darker] for Maure Readers"
      Man of Tomorrow  -  Man of Steel #1  -  Batman #400  -  History 101
      Legends #1-6 (11.86-4.87)  
      "Big Events" 1986 - 1993                                              7 Years Ago Hypertime
      Justice League International   JLA #1-60 (5.87-3.92)     JLE #1-36 (4.89-3.92)
5 Years Ago  -  JLA #7 (11.87)  -  Millennium #1 (1.88)  -  Invasion! #1 (1988)
      New Titans #50-130 [1989-96]
      L.E.G.I.O.N  2.89 - 9.94          Death of Robin II 12.88    Oracle 1.89
      JSA 7.89 - 4.99                                                             6 Years Ago Hypertime    
                 Vertigo to the present more   The Sandman  
4 Years Ago  -  JLA #25 (4.89)    -  JLI Special #1 (1990)  -  JLI Special #2 (1991)
1989 "Year od the Bat" and more #1 issues
The Future . . .   Legion of Super-Heroes Archive  (volume 3)  3.87-4.92  2987-2993

The Nineties                                                                      20 years ago Real-Time
      Breakdowns 8.91 - 3.92
3 Years Ago 4.92  Justice Leagues of America, Europe, and International-11.96
      JLA #61-01 (4.92-8.94)     JLE #37-67 (4.92-8.94)     JLQ #6-17 (Spr.92-Wtr.94)
      Superman's Death & Rebirth 1.93   Reign of the Supermen 10.93
      Superboy  2.94              Steel  2.94  
      Batman Knightfall (-Quest, -End ) 93-94   Tim Drake becomes Robin III 1.91
      Team Titans #1-24 [9.92-9.94]  The Future Is Now
The Future . . .    Legion of Superheroes (volume 4)  11.89-9.94  2994 pre-Zero Hour
     Zero Hour
2 Years Ago  -  Zero Hour #4 (9.94)
The Future . . . Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #61 9.94              Re-Boot Sept 1 2995
      JLA #25 (4.89)    -  JLI Special #1 (1990)  -  JLI Special #2 (1991)
      Big Guns (JLA #1-60) 9.96 - 11.01
1 Year Ago  -  JLA Secret Files #1 (9.97)
      JL: Midsummer's Nightmare #1-3 (9-11.96)  -
      R.E.B.E.L.S. 10.94 - 3.96       Emerald Twilight 1 - 6.96   Final Night #1-4 (11.96)
      DC VERSUS Marvel 2 - 5.96    Amalgam Chronology
      Teen Titans II second series #1-24 [10.96 - 9.98]   The Titans #1-50 1996-2003
      <3  Superman: The Wedding Album (12.96)  Clark marries Lois   <3
      Hyperclan  -  JLA/Wildcats (1997)  -  Superman Red Superman Blue #1 (2.98) 
      JLA: Tomorrow Woman #1 (6.98)  -DC One Million #1 (11.98) 
      Legion of Super-Heroes stranded in the 20th century
      Genesis 10.97     Young Justice 8.98    
      Titans #1-50 12.98-2,03      
      No Man's Land 3.99 -  2.00     Cassandra Cain Batgirl 1999
      JSA 9.99 - 12.04 to Present 5.06   Rock of Ages
The Future . . . Legion 2: Earth 247 4th series 10.94-11.99  end 1994-end 1999...five years

2000 to 2003 Three Years Ago    Year 13                         10  years ago Real-Time
  Y2K    time 'stopped' at 2000, thus showing a three year plus discrepancy
      Superman: Y2K (2000)      Luthor: President
      JLA #61-114
      JLA: Gods & Monsters (2001)     JLA/Witchblade (2000)     JLA vs. Predator (2001)
      World War III            JLA: Our Worlds at War #1 (9.01)
         Justice Jeague Unlimited - WB Animated series
      Teen Titans III #1 7.03 - present  Together Again For The First TimeTeen Titans
      Graduation Day 7.03         The Outsiders v3 8.03   JLA/Avengers #1-4 (9.03-1.04)   
      Superman/Batman 10.03 - now

Interlude:The Future . . . Legion of Super-Heroes 2 of Earth 247  12.99-Ends 9.09 a decade

2004     Year 14 ages 24/36
      JLA #100 (8.04) -JL Elite #1 (9.04) -  JSA v3 #64-87  1.05-9.06 to the Present
2005      DC Countdown #1 (5.05)
      Infinite Crisis #1-7 12.05-6.06    SequArt     Wiki     more                4 Years Ago
      JLA #115-125 8.05-4.06                                                    Unauthorized Years 20-22
2006   Year 15 "52" 5.06-5.07  wiki   issue #1-5   Last Year
      Year 16  One Year Later
      ...continue JLofA v.2 (#0 and 1-30) 9.06-4.09  ages 25/37
2007      Justice League/Hitman #1-2 (11-12.07) 
2008      Final Crisis #1-7 (7.08-3.09)
2009      JLofA v.2 (#31-present) 5.09-present
The Future . . . Legion1: Earth 0 Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 (9.09)
                       "New" Timeline-  Adven #2/505 (11.09)  LSH v.6 #1 (7.10)
      Blackest Night #1-8 (9.09-5.10)
2010  Year 16 +                                                                             CURRENT YEAR
      Brightest Day #0 (6.10)
Currently working on...
"Bruce Patrick Wayne February 19, 1963- " Wayne of Gotham (2012)
At his "death" he was 49. In this universe, there are no superheroes, Robin, or Bat Teams.
Born 35 years ago (est 2009)
Parents killed [1971] when Bruce was nine [WoG, 2012]
Bruce (18) trains for eight years [DKR, 2012]
Batman debut, Bruce is 25 [Year One]
Ricard Grayson, eight years old, is adopted; Robin debut (about a year after Year One)
 - from "Boy Wonder" to "Teen Wonder" in 1970 (Y5)
 - Nightwing debut 1984, age 18 (Y11)
"Crisis on Infinite Earths" 1985-86
"Knightfall" "Breakdowns" and "Death of Superman" 1993
"One Year Ago" 1997
"No Man's Land" 1999 covers 7 months in print, 5 months in "Dark Knight Rises"
Nearly five years has passed since the year 2000
 - seventeen, since Batman's debut (as well as Superman, the first to "come out")
 - "52" covers a year to "One Year Later" (5.06-5.07)
 - "Now" mid-2012
Cosmic Teams
Titans Tower Library
Teen Titans #1-53 1965-1979 The Early Years  53 issues
New Teen Titans #1-40 1980-84
   Tales of the Teen Titans #41-91 1984-1988
New Teen Titans #1-49 1984-1989
   New Titans #50-130 [1989-96]  130 issues
   Team Titans #1-24 [1992-994]  The Future Is Now
Teen Titans II second series #1-24 [1996-1998]  24 issues
The Titans #1-50 1996-2003  50 issues

Teen Titans III #1 7.03 - present  Together Again For The First Time
Teen Titans
The Future
Tales of the LSH (1958-1970)
Term Date Leader Issues Encompassed
Year 1 2962-63 Cosmic Boy Adventure Comics No. 247 - 303 Apr '58
Year 2 2963-64 Saturn Girl Adventure Comics No. 304 - 322 Jan '63
Year 3 2964-65 Saturn Girl Adventure Comics No. 323 - 336 Aug '64
Year 4 2965-66 Brainiac 5 Adventure Comics No. 337 - 347 Oct '65
Year 5 2966-67 Invisible Kid Adventure Comics No. 348 - 370 Sept '66
Year 6 2967-68 Ultra Boy Adventure No. 371 - 380; Action No. 378 - 381 Aug '68
Year 7 2968-69 Karate Kid Action Comics No. 382 - 392 Nov '69
Year 8 2969-70 Mon-El Action Comics No. 392 Sept '70

1. THE BEGINING (1958-1962)
2. THE CONSOLIDATION (1962-1969)
3. THE DECLINE (1969-1970)
4. THE REBIRTH (1971-1973)
6. THE TRIUMPH (1980-1983)
7. THE SUCCESS (1984-1989)
LSH: The Original Legion  to 9.94

LSH Archive 2918-2974 (Early 30th Century)
LSH Archive 2975-2979 (Adventure & Action) 1.63-8.70
Legion of Super-Heroes Archive  2980-2983 (Superboy & Legion) 9.70- 6.81
LSH Archive 2984-2986 (volume 2) 7.81-2.87
LSH Archive 2987-2993 (volume 3)  3.87-4.92
LSH Archive 2994-Zero Hour (volume 4)  3.91-9.94

Legion 2: Earth 247 Intro  15 Years of Future History
Legion 2: Earth 247 10.94-11.99  end 1994-end 1999...five years
Legion 2: Earth 247 12.99-9.09  2000-2009, Decade of,

Current Legion / Legion 0
Intro  Recently a "new" Timeline
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 (9.09)
Adventure #2/505 (11.09)
Legion v.6 #1 (7.10)

Legion v.1 = Legion of Super-Heroes, 4-issue limited series (reprint only, 1973)
Legion v.2 = Legion of Super-Heroes, 2nd series (#259-313; continues numbering of Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, 1980-84)
Legion v.3 = Legion of Super-Heroes, 3rd series, 55 issues (1984-88)
Legion v.4 = Legion of Super-Heroes, 4th series, 125 issues (1989-2000)
Legion v.5 = Legion of Super-Heroes, 5th series, current (2005-)
Superboy v.1 = Superboy, 1st series, #172,173, 176, 178, 183, 184, 188, 190, 191, 193, 195 (1971-73)
Superboy & the Legion = Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (#197-258; continues numbering of Superboy, 1st series, 1973-79)
Tales of the Legion  = Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes (#314-354; continues numbering of Legion of Super-Heroes, 2nd series; 1984-87)
Source: The Definitive Continuity Project  revisited

The Center

From here is where Everything Begins. Before the Big Bang, Outside of the Multiverse. Nothing.

Life does not exist here. Neither does time or space. Outside are doors to other Rooms or Realities. There are also Artifacts that are Keys to what does not belong in the realties they are found in...Powers.

We live in 3 dimensions. Physical existence limited to height, width, and depth. We actually see and process things in 2 dimensions, depth (or distance) is a secondary process that uses visual cues as a form of observation. We create maps that are 2-dimensional. We decide where to move, and what actions to take, based on 2-dimensional plots.

The 4th dimension of time is relative. From a single point in space, an object in motion can be plotted in a linear fasion. What came before is set, unless it is not recorded and information is vague. The probabilities of  the future can be predicted with varying accuracy based on previous, or proven, trends.

The 5th dimension is time taken to branch out of points of divergences [PODs] from linear time.

The 6th dimension and beyond lies outside of our set of probabilities, even to the exttent of different physical laws.

Role-Playing Game v2010.11.19

Simplified Role-Playing Game
Your Character  moves, has Encounters, and resolves Conflicts.
Survive and achieve the Prize!   That's IT !

Simplified Roll-Playing Game Rules

0. Introduction
The simplest RPG “board game” method is as follows:
The Board
The game Piece [  ]
Random Generator: a coin
Victory conditions
Heads = you win
Tails = remove the game Piece from the Board
Note to the DM: This in no way replaces any existing rules set, rather it can allow for faster resolution of any conflict, and reduce time-consuming procedures.

A Character can be one person, a team, a population mass, fleet or military unit, starship(s), nation, planet, empire, whole universe, or cosmic entity.
Units can be a Human (-oid) Character, a vehicle, or Groups.
Player Character Units are directly controlled by a Player.

Movement is at the appropriate distance / time scale. Stationary PCs are only concerned with target range and to-hit difficulty.
Scale The Game board (or Arena of Play- Arena) usually consists of 1 inch Spaces (Squares or Hexes).

Plots and Goals are defined at the start of the game.

Random encounters and timed events occur during the course of a Scenario.

Conflicts are resolved based on the attributes and skills used against difficulty ratings.              

Combat is not the most important aspect of any role-playing game, although it is the most emphasized.

- see Index 101 and
The Sidebar 101 for the list of topics
- see Endgame 101 to incorporate all topics
- see v3 for Scenarios
- see also Keywords 101
- see Added 2010.12.19

Create the World Board
The Board is a two-dimensional representation of the World arena.
2.0  The World is either a Real or Abstract creation where Player Characters [PC] interact with other PCs, non-player-characters [NPC],  random monsters, traps, and treasures.
Each 1 inch Space represents the personal space of a piece in the known universe where the Game is played;
OR size of the Player Character / Piece / Unit- examples are…1” on the tabletop is 5’ [1.5m] for a human-size character
CHESS is a game of strategy. Moves are made to Attack, Withdraw, or Sacrifice. BUT there is no Defense other than block!
CHECKERS, and Connect Four are reactive with no retreat options, using entrapment by manipulating the position of the opponent(s).
BATTLEFIELD games allow for conquest and control of spaces on the Board.
ROLE-PLAYING games allow for Defensive options including Skills, Environment, Armor, Toughness, as well as Luck.
Create the Player Character Unit…A Person or Group…Human, human in armor, a lowly bekk, a CEO, or as a deity, -in Mech armor; Troops; Fleet; Starship…; or as a group, empire, or parallel universe…
The United Federation of Planets; The Klingon, Romulan, or Galactic Empire; Illuminati;
Cadet’s, Bekk’s, Uhlan’s, Commander’s, Captain’s, or Admiral’s Game
Player Character has Attributes, Skills, and Equipment based on hir Class;
[ see Body, Mind, and Soul ]

Each Player chooses or creates a Home space from a random selection of regions to be explored. For territorial Expansion games…City Hall, Capitol, Home world.
The Home must be supported in the following order…
Land contains food, natural, and mineral resources…
To be exploited by the workforce of a population…
To create and grow industry / infrastructure…
To support and expand the population AND to Trade.
The society must also grow a Government and Military structure as well as services

Player Character Units are directly controlled by a Player.
The Norm
Human archetypical - Physique 120-240 pounds (weight, press, and punch) Health 600 lbs (total);
Hand-to-hand 2 attacks 3 defend; IQ normal
The Batman
- and Captain America, and Judge Dredd are the Peak Human classification
Weight normal human; 800-1,500 lbs (press and punch) Health 3,000 lbs; HTH 12 (total Actions);
IQ and skills Specialist 1,000x (or one of five worldwide)
The Soldier
Physique 2x normal human Health 600 + Armor 1,000 lbs (total); HTH 7 Actions (ie, 3 atk 4 def);
Weapons: rifle 10 rounds (3 burst), handgun 3, knife/melee 3, HTH 3:4
Squad of 5 men
Weapons: rifle 30 rounds (3 burst), handgun 10, knife/melee 10, HTH 3:4 each
Troops of 50,000 to control 10M population (200:1)

Units As Game Pieces
Size: Terrain; Movement; Attacks; Defenses; Health
Human: 5+ feet (2m) tall / 200+ lbs / Ground based / 5 ft (1.5m) / 2 / 3 / 3
Soldier: 2m tall / 225 lbs / Ground based / 5 ft (1.5m) / 5 to 30 fps (100m/10 sec; 20mph run) /
Ranged Weapons; Melee; 3AP Hand to hand / Evasive; 3AP armor / 800 lbs
Iron-Man: 2m tall / Ground based / 5 ft (1.5m) 5 to 30 fps (100m/10 sec; 20mph run)); Air based; max 1,000 ft per sec (sonic) / 12APs per Action… 100 ton energy based beam;  100 ton “punch” / 12APs per Action… Evasive / 100 ton dispersal armor
Mech: 50 to 100 foot tall / 750 to 1,000 ton mechanized single pilot armor
Ground based, Wilderness to Cityscape (Urban); 25 ft spaces /
0-60mph in 4 seconds 250 ft = 25+50+75+100 acceleration /
15APs per Action, ie, 32 10AP micro-missiles;  1,000 5AP bullets;  1.000+ ton energy beam;  1,000 ton “punch” /
15APs per Action- Evasive;  32 15AP anti-missiles;  1,000 5AP rapid-fire flak bullets; 1.000+ ton energy based shield; 1,000 ton “block” / 3,000 tons
Mechanized or simple units
Infantry, Mounted, Artillery- speed 1, 6, and 1:6; damage 1d10/3, 2d10/3, 1d10 ranged
Type / movement / strategic / damage / hit points
Infantry / up to 30' [10m] / 30 mi / d10/3 / 3
Mounted / 35mph / 300 mi / d20/3 / 6
Artillery / 5' [1.5m] / 1 space [no fire] / 1d10 / 20
Marine / Army of 50,000 ground troops – Ancient or Modern mechanized and infantry
Naval Fleet of 50 ships with a crew of 50,000 - Modern
Size: Scale in miles
Terrain: Surface based, Wilderness to Cityscape (Urban); 250 mile spaces
Movement: 50 miles in a day’s march, 250 miles at 30 mph transport, or 1,500 miles airlift
Attacks: 3 per Turn to eliminate one other Military Unit
Defenses: 4 Save attempts per Turn
Units As Game Pieces
Human, Male, Normal
6’ (2m) 250lbs 5’ (1.5m)… 2 3 2 5
Soldier, Human male
6’ (2m) 250lbs 5’ (1.5m)… 3 3 3 5
6’ (2m) 250lbs 5’ (1.5m)… 4 4 4 6
6’ (2m) 250lbs 5’ (1.5m)… 3 4 5 7*
Size or Height
Weight Class
Hex or Space size
Physical Strength
Mental Prowess
Psych Profile
Actions per Turn (10 seconds); 3 Attacks; 4 Defenses in Solitaire opponent
6’ (2m) 250lbs 5’ (1.5m)…12 15 10 6* 100 ton punch/energy/armor
Air based; max 1,000 ft per sec (sonic)
100’ 1,000 t 25’ (7.5m)…15 15 10 6* 1,000 ton punch/energy/armor
0-60mph in 4 seconds 250 ft = 25+50+75+100 acceleration / Air based Mach 2
32 10AP micro-missiles;  1,000 5AP bullets
50,000 troops 250 miles…12 14 7 7 Ancient or Modern
Movement: 50 miles in a day’s march, 250 miles at 30 mph transport, or 1,500 miles airlift
Naval Fleet
50 ships 250 miles…                 12 14 7 7 Modern
Movement: 500 miles in a day

Body, Mind, and Soul
Each Character has three Fundamental  Values where-in Attributes and Skills can be arise from.
Normal Human PC has 2 in each Value for a total of 6, plus 1 advantage;
Humans, humanoids, most bipeds have 10 as a peak Value
Batman 3 3 4 shows highest human strength/physique, intelligence, and uncanny charisma/intimidation

Movement is at the appropriate distance / time scale. Stationary PCs are only concerned with target range and to-hit difficulty.
The Game board (or Arena of Play- Arena) usually consists of 1 inch Spaces (Squares or Hexes).
Units occupy Spaces and can move up to their allocated Move Actions per 10-second Turn, divided into three 3-second Rounds. The most common Role-Playing scales are: 1 inch = 5 feet (1.5m) for human/-oid Races; 10,000km Starship Tactical Combat; 20 light-year Strategic scale.
Scale and Game Time
2.1 Scale Most tabletop games use 1:60 scale figures. 1” = 5 feet or 1.5 meters.
Time is measured in 3 to 5 second Rounds; the Turn is usually 10 seconds.
5 feet individual human [-oid] in three 3 second Rounds in 10 second Turns
50 feet to 500 feet tactical group actions
1 to 25 miles ground troops, navy ships, aircraft
60 miles [100 km] to 1500 miles ]2500 km] army/navy units in days per Turn
10,000 km to 300,000 km [186,000 mi; 200,000 kellicams] tactical range for starships in 10 second Turns
3 ly [1 parsec] to 20 ly [6 parsec] strategic range for starships and fleets in half-weeks per Turn campaigns
Strategic Movement
Units with Actions allocated to movement can move up to 6 spaces (6 Actions). Units may not pass through or occupy a space controlled by another Player without their permission.

Tactical Movement
Move Units one space (one Action) in any direction. Units may not enter a space controlled by another Player unless there is a Declaration of War, with the intent of Invasion.
Units occupying the same uncontrolled space may hail, avoid, or fire at each other.
 Use INTelligence, CHArisma, and STRength, respectively to respond [Mind, Soul, Body]. Results may vary.

Random Generators
The Skill Roll
   There are three basic types of rolls to determine if an Action is successful.
Compare a [ATK, STR, Skill] vs d [DEF, BOD, Difficulty]
-  see Difficulty Rating below
Higher ATK roll wins
aD vs dD
Flip that number of coins [or roll dice]
Higher ATK + roll wins
ATK + aD vs DEF  + dD
Flip that number of coins [or roll dice]
Add to the values
Flip the difference number of coins [or roll dice]
aD - dD
Any one success wins
The Percentile Roll
   A Player must roll UNDER its Attribute or Skill rating being used;
D20 System
   Add Attribute, Skill, and any Modifiers to a D20 roll. Compare it to Opponent's same scores, OR a Difficulty Rating;
   If HIGHER, it's successful . . . a straight 20 is an automatic success!
AP System
   Roll the number of dice equal to the Attribute or Skill being used. Discard any rolls of 5 or 6. If the number of die remaining is  higher that of the Target, it's Successful.
   Base 2 logarithmic scale where +1 AP is double, so +10 is 1,000x. Used in West End Games DC RPG . . . see Batman example.

Plots and Goals are defined at the start of the game.
Random encounters and timed events occur during the course of a Scenario.
3.0 Core Rules
3.1 Encounters “3E” is used to describe the levels of interactive play…
Events describe the setting and current history of the world where everything occurs [also called a Campaign];
Episodes are stories that can be fit into a one hour live session. Generally a Mission;
Encounters are interactions with other player characters, anything that requires a set of skills to resolve.
Each has an introduction, a middle, and an end to be resolved.
Conflicts are resolved based on the attributes and skills used against difficulty ratings.
Perform various “3Es” to enhance certain aspects of your Character…physique, age, position.
Combat is not the most important aspect of any role-playing game, although it is the most emphasized. Combat may occur when forces are adjacent to each other using Simple Combat Rules. When opposing forces occupy the same Space, Quick & Dirty Combat Rules is the easiest to use. The Winner may occupy the loser’s territory (Space), or leave it Uncontrolled.

Build a Campaign that contains Episodes…The War of Europe
Build Episodes that contain Encounters…The Battle of Britain

3I” is used against another’s defensive stats in the linear History to the present. “3Is” is Incident, Infiltration, and Insertion [the actual attack]. Examples are  simple Raids, War, Assassination, Economic Upheaval. There is no attack participation in natural disasters- unless ‘man-made.’

"4X" label to describe a game genre with specific game play conventions: Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate
Explore means players send scouts across a map to reveal [open or unconcealed] surrounding territories.
Expand means players claim new territory by creating new settlements, or by extending the influence of existing settlements [may also include Diplomacy].
Exploit means players gather and use resources in areas they control, and improve the efficiency of that usage [Economics and Trade].
Exterminate means attacking and eliminating rival players [not limited to Combat, may include Espionage].
Since all territory is eventually claimed, eliminating a rival's presence can be the only way to achieve further expansion [and ultimately winning the Game]."

Create the Encounters
Random Environment Generator
Cityscape / Random Interior / Terrain Generator
- Transit Tables
- Timeline and Random Events
- Define NPC(s) or Opponent(s)
- NPC Reaction Table
- Results
PC moves to a new Location [usually adjacent to the one s/he is in;
An Episode/Encounter takes place with a Difficulty Rating to be rolled against using the above mentioned Attributes, Skills, and Equipment;
The PC passes and gains Experience Points,
or fails and loses Prestige;
Combat can result in Victory and Prestige;
failure can mean the PC is eliminated from the game, or dies.
Create a new Encounter

Win, Lose, NO Draw!
As a Player Character, you do one of the following...Walk into a room, turn a corner, enter a clearing; Cross into enemy lines; Drop out of warp.
Every encounter is defined stating the numeric value of characteristics to be compared.
A Player Character sees an NPC. The choices are approach or ignore. Roll for the NPC to approach or move away. If both approach, roll to compare INTelligence to see if there is communication, else No Event.
Roll to compare CHArisma to see who makes the first move. Results range from favorable [friendly] to negative [attack].
In Combat, roll To-Hit. For successful Hits, roll STRength, firepower, or Damage potential vs Toughness, Armor, etc. Damage reduces Health, removing those with zero remaining.

Every Objective has a Difficulty Rating;
A Character rolls a number of dice [ or flips coins] equal to their SKILL;
Compare this with an Objective's Difficulty Rating; if the Result is equal to or higher, it is Successful.
If the Objective is an NPC, the DR is rolled Results as
 2   Decisive Success
 1   Success
-1   Failed
-2   Decisive Failure
NPC Actions...
A Character [ or Group] encounter an NPC.
NPC ...Approaches, Avoids, Moves Away
NPC Stance...Friendly, Passive, Aggressive
Roll the number of dice [or coin flips] based on their CHArisma APs.
-4   You are Attacked...go to Combat
-3   The NPC Flees
-2   Avoid or Move away from your Group
-1   The NPC Watches Warily
 0    No Encounter…No Change in direction or stance
 1    NPC Observes only
 2    NPC Approach you or your Group
 3    NPC will Communicate and be Helpful
 4+  NPC May Join your group
Example: Player Character encounters NPC...
Roll INTelligence + CHArisma vs. an inherent Difficulty
Pass > Gain Information or Object
Fail> go to Combat

Combat 101                                               “I hit you; and You hit me! Pokemon!”
6.0 Combat 101
6.1 Standard Combat Rules
6.2 Simple Combat Rules
6.3 Quick & Dirty Combat Rules
‘3-10-3 Rule’
6.4 Strategic Combat
Standard Combat Rules
Each side rolls for Damage done to Facing [or adjacent] opponent. Continue until there is only one side remaining, or until a pre-determined Victory Condition is met.
Simple Combat Rules
Each Unit [of equal strengths and defenses] attacks the nearest opponent(s) with 3 Actions and defends with 4 Actions.…remove Units with 3 successful accumulated Hits [SP]
Quick & Dirty Combat Rules
Compare Unit's ATK vs. opponent's DEF;
Both roll %-ile dice BELOW the target to be successful and win the Round;
If both win (or lose), it's a DRAW - roll again until there is a winner...the losing side is removed from the game;
The Winner suffers half in casualties for EVERY DRAW’
Three draws cripple the winner, and must withdraw one space.
Strategic Combat - In a Campaign, movement and combat are resolved in terms of days, weeks, or months. The scale can be 25 to 1500 miles for ground or naval forces, or light-years for starship fleets.
 Conflict may occur when forces are adjacent to each other using Simple Combat Rule.
 When opposing forces occupy the same Space, Quick & Dirty Combat Rule is used.
The Winner may occupy the loser’s territory (Space), or leave it Uncontrolled.
 [Optional= any Unit at 1/8th strength may not move until repaired to 1/4th OR reinforcements arrive to absorb it]

“How descriptive / destructive do you want to be?”
MAD-  Mutual annihilation and destruction- Each side rolls its mass to reduce that of its opponent’s mass; reset for new masses and continue; 1:1 scale attack and defense only
Mob-  “Bottle-neck”- Damage is limited to the contact facing, example, border, hallway, doorway
Gross-  Each successful, unblocked Hit reduces the opponent’s health until zero- ‘dead’ or removed from play
Critical-  Each successful, unblocked Hit does specific damage to a part, reducing effectiveness of that part or side- attack or defend

Two soldiers each take 3 Attack Actions [punch, kick, stab, etc] against each other and defend with 4 Actions;
Two opposing 5-man Squads shoot at each other and roll/flip for each ammo round fired;
50,000 troops invade or siege a one mile stretch of terrain, using ranged, then melee, then hand-to-hand combat;
USS Enterprise flips for two Phaser banks and a salvo of two torpedoes against a D-7 with two Disruptor cannons and a torpedo (3 Attack Actions each) with 4 Defensive saves each ship;
Fleets of ships either Lose everything, or Win with losses of a half for every Round or Turn.
Levels of Play Scale Sample Actions
Melee 15 feet Stab opponent; turning to face requires one Action
Short Range (pistols) 50 feet Shoot target within line of sight, facing, and adjacent
Long to Medium Range (rifles) 150 feet Shoot targets within line of sight, facing, and adjacent
Tactical (Squad) 500 feet Moves in to building, room to room
Strategic (Troops) 1 mile Attack a city
World or Planetary (Armies) 250 miles Invade a territory
Aerial-Orbital, interplanetary, space, dimensional, temporal, or an Abstract

Each Unit can do a number of Actions in a Turn- Move, Attack, and Defend
- begins with defined Health Points;
MOVE – Each Piece moves forward one space (ie, 5 feet, 1,000km) and one Space for each Action;
ATTACK any Opposing Piece in an adjacent space (in front, to either side)
-  an NPC attempts 3 Attacks (ie, punches/kicks, shots/rounds/rapid shots, missiles, Phasers/torpedoes, etc) To-Hit any adjacent opponent;
DEFENSE -  an NPC attempts 4 Defensive saves (ie, parry, dodge, block, ECM);
RESOLVE- Successful Hits to Target Units are the sum total of ATK rolls minus DEF rolls
- each successful / unopposed Attack reduces Health by one point;
Combatants with zero Health are removed from Play…
   3d to hit - 4d save vs. Health
Repeat process for a total of 3 Rounds per Turn
Pieces still in Play move forward one unoccupied space.
HEAL [optional] - Restore a Health Point of previous damage per Turn
Allocate remaining Actions for the next Turn

Hand to Hand Combat
Move each Player Character / Unit into position at the start of the Turn.
Each Player does the following...
Draw 7 Action Cards from the Deck (NPC units attack with 3 Actions and defend with 4 Actions).
Use an Attack card on the nearest opposing Unit(s) and assigned weapons from their Hand to be used;
- Punch, kick, grapple, or any combination of forms that do not use objects or enhancements of any kind; example strength based punch would be 200 lbs, 3x max, 6x full exertion.
Defend against an Attack using an appropriate Defense card, if any
If the Attack strength is greater than the Defense, receive the difference in Damage
Discard these opposite cards [cancelled each other out]
OR roll for each Attack To-Hit; roll for Defensive saves
Continue until all Attack cards have been played
Damage from cards still on a character are applied
Remove characters that have zero or less Health Points left.
Health for a normal human would be 600 lbs gross points.
Hand-to-Hand v2
Each combatant begins with a base number of Health Points for each Body Target Location
Each combatant allocates 7 Actions in a Turn to two Combat Attributes- Attack, and Defend
ATTACK - Assign appropriate Damage to each Attack and its Body Target Location
DEFENSE – Assign any Defense of a Body Target Location
In Solitaire, the opponent flips 3 coins to represent Attacks (ie, punches/kicks, shots/rounds/rapid shots, etc) per Turn and 4 coins to represent Defensive saves (ie, parry, dodge, block);
RESOLVE – Unopposed Attacks (Hits) causes Damage to that Body Location
- Body Locations with three accumulated Hits are automatically Defenseless
- Successful hits do Knock-Back or Push damage; to a distance of 5 feet; equivalent to 60mph- 2 APs = 200 lbs; 3 APs = 400 lbs; 4 APs = 800 lbs; 5 APs = up to 1600 lbs
- Combatants with zero Health in any Central Location are removed from Play
Repeat process until there is a Winner.

Critical Hits Levels of Success and Failure
“Kill” shot- 3 central; 6 peripheral
Cripple- no Actions next round
Stun- no Defense moves next round
Wound- Roll for Morale
Block- STRength less DEFenses
Deflect- no Damage
Parry- no Damage, extra Hit
Dodge- no Damage
Miss- Attacker loses
Roll Location Result
2 Head Dazed / Dead
1, 4 Right Arm No R block defense or attack
3, 6 Left Arm No L block defense or attack
5 Upper Torso   Stunned / Dead
8 Abdomen Stunned / Dead
7 R Leg Movement impaired / Cripple
9 L Leg Movement impaired / Cripple
10 Random 2 hit locations
- Dazed, Stunned, Movement impaired lose a move next turn.

FRAG Rules
Each Unit [of equal strengths and defenses] attacks the nearest opponent(s) with 3 Actions and defends with 4 Actions.…remove Units with 3 successful accumulated Hits [SP] OR
Roll (or flip) 3 Attacks vs. 4 Defenses to eliminate an equal opponent.
Each fighter has three attributes: HEALTH, SPEED, and ACCURACY.
Each player may divide 7 points between the three attributes in any way, as long as each attribute gets at least 1 point but no more than 4. In tournament games, winning a game allows you to improve your fighter.
HEALTH determines how well you resist damage, how much damage you can take, and how many weapons you can have in play. If your Health is low, any attack is likely to kill you (though you can respawn and come back). If your Health is high, you have a better chance of surviving an attack and fragging your attacker on your next turn. You are limited to a number of weapon cards in play equal to your Health plus 1.
SPEED is how fast you move and how far you can jump. A fighter with a Speed of 1 is pathetic; you should take at least 2 or 3. More speed lets you grab more power-ups, too. Speed also governs jumping: you can jump a number of squares equal to your Speed.
ACCURACY governs your chance of scoring a hit and how fast you attack. A low Accuracy means you have to stand right next to someone for a sure hit; it’s very embarrassing to be 2 squares away and miss. A high Accuracy means you can snipe from across the board. And a fighter with Accuracy 5 gets 3 attacks per turn!
The following applies to human fighter classes:
Each fighter has three Combat attributes: DEFENSE, MOVEMENT, and ATTACKS.
Each fighter may divide 7 Actions per 10-second Turn between the three attributes in any way, as long as each attribute gets at least 1 but no more than 4. In tournament games, winning a game allows a fighter to improve.
MOVEMENT is how fast you move and how far you can jump. A fighter with a Movement of 1 is pathetic; you should take at least 2 or 3. More movement lets you grab more objects, too. Movement also governs jumping: you can jump a number of squares equal to your Movement.
Most land-based combat movement is 5ft (1.5m) per allocated Action or 30ft (6 Actions) at a run.
ATTACK governs your chance of scoring a hit and how fast you attack. A low Attack means you have to stand right next to someone for a sure hit; it’s very embarrassing to be 2 squares away with a weapon and miss. A high Attack means you can snipe a Target from across the board!
Damage can be inflicted to the number of Targets equal to the Actions allocated to Attack
DEFENSE determines how well you resist damage, how much damage you can take, and how many weapons you can have in play. If your Defense is low, any attack is likely to kill you (reduce your Health to zero). If your Defense is high, you have a better chance of surviving an attack and fragging your attacker on your next turn. You are limited to a number of weapons in play equal to your Health.
Defensive Actions include Dodge [DEX], Block [STR or Body], and passive Armor (no Action cost);
Concealment, Range, and other Defensive Save Modifiers also have no Action cost.
Resolve and Repair damages for all survivors.

Melee Combat
Each Piece begins with 3 Health Points.
Each Piece moves forward one space (5 feet, 1.5m).
For every Opposing Piece in an adjacent space (in front, to either side) combat ensues.;
- Use of extended range weapons, either blunt, edged, or energized locally;
Flip 3 coins to represent Attack and 4 coins to represent Defense, for EACH Opposing Piece.
Unopposed Attacks (not blocked) causes Damage…if Health reaches zero, remove Piece from Play.
Pieces still in Play move toward each other one unoccupied space.
Melee Combat v2
Using the 3-10-3 Rule for groups…5 soldiers can shoot up to 50 points; 10 can shoot up to 100 points…in any direction in any unobstructed line-of-sight within weapons range.
Two Military Units attack across adjacent territories . . . Foot soldiers . . .
Step 1 Long-range weapons remove 1d10 each (ie, 10AP mortar, tank shell, missile, etc);
Step 2 Rounds fired at facing Targets are assigned; roll To-Hit; roll for Damage for each successful hit; remove Targets that result in zero or less;
Step 3 Melee and Hand-to-Hand – Remove 1d10 casualties each side per Round of Combat for every facing Group of 10;
Step 3b For the same Area of combat, add 10 from the second line to both sides; remove 1d10 from each side;
Repeat Step 3b until one side is eliminated.
For Player Character(s) on the Winning side, roll DEF APs vs. average of opponent’s ATK APs to determine survival in this campaign.

REALLY Simplified “Run-and-gun”
Allocate Actions for a ten-second turn
Move [one free Action] Walk/run towards a stated objective. Usually can be seen from starting positions.
Point at Target [no Action cost] Fire at targets within line-of-sight [LOS} and range {to-Hit].
Aim [one Action, increases To-Hit] Example: Flip a coin to-Hit [50% chance], two if Aimed [75% chance], or three for "sniping" [87% chance].
Pull trigger [one Attack Action] Each round fired has a chance to-Hit. Each successful hit has a chance to do Damage.
Damage is the successful flips PLUS AP DMG flipped for the round.
Repeat for same or different Target 2x
Avoid being hit one chance per opponent’s successful shot To-Hit IF Action is available in Defense
Strategic Victory 3    killed- Remove from Play
Tactical Victory  2    stunned/Crippled-
                                  No Actions allowed
Minor Victory     1  wounded-
                                  lose initiative until Healed
No Change               New Round
Minor Failure          Wounded
Tactical Failure        Lose a turn for a Round
Strategic Failure       Dead
"3-10-3 Rule" -  Each individual starts with 3 Points of Health.
Each individual can SHOOT up to 10 Points of Damage total at adjacent, line-of-sight, within range  targets in a 3-second Phase.
Any unit with 3 accumulated hits is removed from the game.
An individual can Heal one Point of Damage received in any previous Phase.

After a turn, check CHArisma/Morale for the following results…
Freeze [not move] for one Turn, but may defend,
may not move or defend for one turn,
lose a turn [hide, duck and cover];

Military Units attack each other in the following scales…
50,000 troops cover 250 miles a day at 30 mph on land or water, or 1,500 miles by airlift;
500 troops cover 5 miles in an hour’s march, or 30 miles by ground transport;
5 man-squads cover 5 to 30 feet in 3 seconds Tactical Combat scale
Long-range - weapons remove 1d10 each (i.e., 10AP mortar, tank shell, missile, etc);                                          
Facing – Assign shots fired to targets in range and line of sight; roll To-Hit for each shot fired; roll for Damage for each successful hit; remove Targets that result in zero Health or less;                                                                      
 Melee – Remove 1d10 casualties each side per Round of Combat for every facing Group of 10; Repeat until one side is eliminated.
- see Order of Battle 101

Weapons 101
Human [-oid] weighing about 200-300 pounds can be wounded, stunned / crippled, or killed by a 5AP bullet [displaced 20’];
cripple [4 APs], or wound [3 APs] a normal soldier
Example weapons stats are:
Blunt [STR+1]
Knife [STR+2]
.22 caliber round 3 APs
.45 caliber round 4 APs
Magnum .57 caliber round 5 APs
Rifle / SMG rounds at 5 APs each
Sample Damage
d3   non-lethal, ie, punch, kick, etc
d4  can Wound, might not be Fatal
2d6 .38 bullet
2d8  rifle round
d10  heavy weapon round
   each 1 is 50 lbs of Damage
Heavy artillery shell or bomb removes 1D10 soldiers per shot fired in 30 foot radius effect [10APs]

Damage is stated in mass potential. Basically it is the force to move an object back one square [ie. 5 feet]. APs of damage are...
2 APs enough to push back a 200 pound human not resisting [pushing back]
5 APs 800 to 1,600 lbs maximum human unarmed potential; a bullet; eliminates an unarmored human [avg Health=1,000 pounds]
10 APs 2 lbs of explosives displaces 25 tons at ground zero, is reduced 2APs per AP of distance; fatal at 20’; stun or knock back at 40’
- this may also be 32 rounds at 5 APs each, 1-3 hits at 1-10 Health Points damage each soldier
20 APs a one-ton payload removes thousands in a building [20 APs] and displaces 250 tons; 300’ crater
30 APs a kiloton device removes hundreds of thousands around a few blocks [30 APs] 250,000 tons, ie starship weapons
40 APs a megaton device removes millions in a city [40 APs] 250 million tons; makes a mile wide crater

Order of Battle 101
Army, Navy Units of 50,000 troops each + Air combat Units
- roll 3 Attacks vs. 4 Defensive saves per Unit;
- remove one Unit for each successful Attack
[optional - roll 1d6 for every Unit attacking; remove one Unit for every 3 - see Supremacy [SP] ]
Examples: up to 10-man tactical squad; 100 special forces, vehicles, and equipment per C5 cargo plane; 1,000 Navy and 1,000 Marine carrier plus air support, ten F22 air strikes, 24 cruise missiles per submarine
Equally numbered troops have the following units in play [Health points]…
Heavy Artillery [9 pts] moves 0-1 space; fires Long-range to remove 3d10 points
Mobile/mounted Calvary [6 pts] moves 3 spaces; shoots Medium-range to remove up to 2d10 points
Infantry [3 pt] moves 2 spaces; kills 1d10 points [the remainder being wounded]
-  each soldier has 10 single to 30 automatic rounds per Turn; 300 rounds per conflict [optional- use “3-10-3” Rule]
- any soldier out of ammo must resort to melee and hand-to-hand
Melee and Hand-to-hand see above
Hits to all units are cumulative with no Heal during the battle- ie Damaged artillery, dismounted rider, crippled soldier.
Special…Air strike kill ALL in a radius of 50 feet!
- for space-based combat see F&E

Rules based on Supremacy [SP] and Federation & Empires [F&E]

Federation & Empires
Game Setup
The Board consists of 1 parsec spaces; a sector is 20 light-years across, or 6 Parsecs.
The Sector
50 stars in 20 systems of which 3 G-type yellow dwarf stars have a 50% chance of habitable planets;
3 K-type  orange stars have a 25% chance of habitable planets;
1 F-type green yellow star has a 10% chance of habitable planets.
33 are M-type stars in 20 systems, another 17 stars in 10 systems fall outside the Main Sequence, but may have a 10% chance of supporting life of some kind.

Units as Player Characters are Starships
Exploration Scouts search for planetary systems and resources;
Transports populate uninhabited systems and are essential in Trade;
Destroyers and other combat vessels Patrol and carry out Military Missions;
Cruisers carry out Diplomatic Missions and move personnel;
Engineering ships build Bases to extend the control of territories.
For each Unit allocate points to three permanent Attributes- Command, Sciences, and Combat;
Define ship types with Diplomacy, Medical, Cargo, Marine, Cargo, Defenses, and Weapons.
For each Unit allocate 7 Actions in a Turn to three Combat Attributes- Move, Attack, and Defend.

Fleets as Units
3-5 Ship Wing- ie, Romulan “hand” of 5 troop transports
10 Ship Group- ie, Klingon Expeditionary Force of 10 warships
30+ Ship Fleet- ie, Seventh Fleet of 50 ships, 50,000 crew and 150,000 marines;
Other non-ship Units…Star base or Deep Space station; Ground port; Production facility.

Plots and Goals are defined at the start of the game.

Economics Phase
[F&E] Economic points represent support for a population of one billion per turn per EP.
Starships are built only at orbital shipyards and star bases. Shipyards are built at Member worlds; starbases are built in unclaimed space to control a sector. Builds are at the rate of 1 EP per Turn.
Example: Fed CA takes 4 years to build.
Repair damaged starships, bases, and infrastructures at the rate of 2x EPs per Turn.
How to build [or buy] a starship
Define the mission types and size
Build the Hull
Mount weapons
Add details…
The Superstructure consists of the Hull which contains the following order…
Compartments with bulkheads containing matter, waste, gases and liquids conduits;
Power production and distribution networks;
Weapons or part of a weapons bank
Defensive systems, ie shields
Computer cores and terminals, specialty labs, support systems
Crew quarters, departmental offices, mess halls, arboretum, and other rooms
Cargo storage, bulk matter space, shuttles and support vehicles
Build Star base and Starship Construction at the rate of 0.1 Economic Points per week
Build Base or Port in Trillions of Credits
Create Army or Navy Unit using one each of Labor, Food, Mineral resources, and Fuel

Movement Phase
Tactical Movement Move ships one parsec per Action allocated.
Strategic Movement Assign starships to fleets up to 20 light-years (6 Actions) from its Base or Home world.
Movement Restrictions
Ships may not be more than 20 light-years travel from a supply point.
Ships may not enter a space controlled by another Player unless there is a Declaration of War, with the intent of Invasion.
Damaged ships may “limp” back to a base using available Actions.
Ships may not pass through or occupy a space controlled by another Player unless there is a Treaty of Alliance. Starships occupying the same uncontrolled space may hail, avoid, or fire at each other.

After moving, each Unit may perform a Mission - Time limit (Turns), Difficulty ratings for Episodes, and a final Score.
Random encounters and timed events occur during the course of a Scenario. at no Action cost.
Example: The Birth of the Federation Illuminati starts on Earth
Exploration Scout (free piece) moves and discovers another World (2 Actions)
Expansion Cruisers to Colonize (if uninhabited) or Diplomacy (1 Action)
Exploit Economics and Trade; and/or Military Agreements (no Action cost)
Economics Collect Income (ie, Tax) (no Action cost)
Build Base, Ship, Resource Refinery (1 Action each)
Move Ship(s), redeploy Military Forces, hire Workforce (require Actions)

Exterminate/Eliminate/Resolve Conflicts by means of Military, Espionage, Economic, or Diplomacy (bid using Actions).
Conflicts are resolved based on the Attributes and related Skills used against Difficulty Ratings (usually just one flip per Action to pass or fail).). Exploration, Diplomacy, and Covert Operations occur at this Phase.
Random encounters and timed events occur during the course of a Scenario. at no Action cost.
Combat may occur when forces with available Actions are adjacent to each other using the Simple Combat Rules.
Quick & Dirty Combat Rules are used when opposing forces occupy the same space. The Winner may occupy the loser’s territory (Space), or leave it Uncontrolled.
Starships as Combatants
Certain ship classes have specific Combat Attributes…
Constitution class Heavy Cruisers have up to 4 Attacks with 8 Superstructure points and power for three Phaser banks of 2 pts each and two photon torpedo tubes (D-7 only has one);
Cruisers have up to 3 Attacks with 6 points for Phaser banks and photon torpedoes;
Frigates have up to 3 Attacks with 5 points for two Phaser banks and a photon torpedo;
Battle Cruisers and Dreadnoughts have up to 6 Attacks with 10 to 12 points to power up four Phaser banks and 1 or 2 pairs of photon tubes.

Global Supremacy [SP] ]

Game Setup
The Board consists of Territorial spaces. A Nation begins as a Home space and two adjacent Territories. Each allocates seven Resource Points to Food, Industry, and an Economy.
An Army Base or Naval Port can be built in a National space at the cost of one Resource point. Each one can recruit, maintain, and train one military Unit every six months…there is no upper limit as to Units each, although more Bases (and Ports) can create more Units.
Economics Phase
[SP]  Build the following industries for the Nation…Food production and distribution; housing and infrastructure, services and economy
- Use Manpower, Resources, Money, and Time
Workforce [Labor] assigned from Population
Farms support Food production and distribution
Mines support Infrastructure using factories and refineries
Create Army or Navy Units as Player Characters using Labor, Food, Mineral resources, and Fuel;
A player builds armies and navies by deleting one set of supplies from his supply center.
3 Units [army or navy] = $300 million, one unit of each grain, oil, and minerals.
Where to Build Armies and Navies
A player may build armies at any base [navies at any port] in his home territories. He may also build them in any foreign territory where he already has a base or port.
There is no limit to the number of armies or navies that may be placed in each territory or sea "stacking."
An Army/Marine/Ground Force Unit is composed of 50,000 troops – mechanized and infantry;
A Naval Fleet Unit of 50 ships has a crew of 50,000 and can carry up to three Army Units
- One Military Unit is paid $10 Million, 50 tons of food, and 100 tons of water per day;
- One Military Unit costs $10 Million in fuel to move one 250 mile space at a rate of 30mph; 1500 miles by air;
A specialized Airborne Unit may transport troops, crew, and materiel to a build or replenish a Base or Port up to 1,500 miles (six Regional spaces) in a day.
 - A person is paid $200 ($100 net), and consumes 2 pounds of food and 2 liters of water per day
For each Unit allocate 7 Actions in a Turn to three Combat Attributes- Move, Attack, and Defend.
Movement Costs
Military Unit By Land By Air By Sea
Army 1 grain 2 oil 1 oil convoys 4 armies
Navy n/a n/a 1 oil
Strategic Movement
Airlift Army Units up to 1500 miles (6 Actions) from its base. Units may not pass through or occupy a space controlled by another Player unless there is a Treaty of Alliance.
Tactical Movement
Move Units 250 miles (one Action). A Naval Unit may be used to carry up to 3 Army Units overseas. Units may not enter a space controlled by another Player unless there is a Declaration of War, with the intent of Invasion. The Winner may occupy the loser’s territory (Space), or leave it Uncontrolled. Units occupying the same uncontrolled space may hail, avoid, or fire at each other. Results may vary.
Units may not enter a space controlled by another Player unless there is a Treaty or a Declaration of War, with the intent of Invasion. When opposing forces occupy the same space, using the Quick & Dirty Combat Rules is the easiest. Conflict may occur when forces with available Actions are adjacent to each other using the Simple Combat Rules. The Winner may occupy the loser’s territory (Space), or leave it Uncontrolled.
Regions can be conquered, made a treaty partner, or destroyed. Resources and Labor are used to build and maintain specialized Structures to produce Food, Industry, and an Economy, in that order of priority.
Plots and Goals are defined at the start of the game. After moving, each Unit may perform a Mission, Random encounters, and timed events during the Scenario to gain Points at no Action cost. Conflicts are resolved based on the Attributes and related Skills used against Difficulty Ratings (usually just one flip to pass or fail).
Combat may occur when forces with available Actions are adjacent to each other using the Simple Combat Rules. When opposing forces occupy the same space, use the Quick & Dirty Combat Rules.
- Attack Rolls
The attacker rolls his dice and totals his points. For every three points, he may remove one of the defender's armies or navies in the territory or sea under attack.
For example, if the attacker rolls a five and a three, he has a total of eight points. This means he may remove two of the defender's armies or navies.
The defender may still roll his dice, even if all of his forces have been destroyed in the attack.
If a navy is sunk while convoying armies, the armies are lost as well.
Regions can be conquered, made a treaty partner, or destroyed. Resources and Labor are used to build and maintain specialized Structures to produce Food, Industry, and an Economy, in that order of priority.
Collateral Damage (Special Rules 1)
Remove up to 10% in civilian casualties and economic-industrial Production per Turn in the Loser’s territory.

Komerex Zha

"If it is not Komerex (a structure which grows), then it must be Khesterex (a structure which dies)." "Tel komerex, khesterex", which is rendered in English "That which does not grow, dies."

The object of Illuminati is to control the world. You start with a single Illuminati card, representing your own secret conspiracy. During the game, you will add other Groups to your Power Structure, and take Groups away from rival Power Structures. You can use Plot cards to advance your own position or harass your foes. You may win by controlling enough Groups, or by fulfilling the special goal of your own Illuminati, or by meeting the objectives on a Goal card. Or, of course, by destroying all of your foes!

Attack to Control
Attack to Destroy

Attack to Control
This is an attempt to take over a Group from your own hand... or to steal a Group from a rival.
To attack, the player announces which Group is attacking, which one is being attacked, and the type of attack. (Example: “The KKK, assisted by the CIA, will attempt to control the Yuppies.”)
To make an Attack to Control, your attacking Group must spend an Action token and have at least one control arrow open (no puppet there, and no other Group in the space where a puppet would go). If a Group has no open control arrow, it cannot try to control another Group.
The strength of the attack is the attacker’s Power minus the defender’s Resistance. You must roll that
Number or less on two dice. So roll low!
If you attack a Group from your own hand, you must still roll to control it, and other players may try to interfere.
Example: If a Group with a Power of 6 attacks a Group with a Resistance of 2, the attack strength is 4. If the attacking Group has a Power of 10, the attack strength is 8 — a much easier number to roll at or below on two dice.
“Power vs. Resistance.”
Diplomacy…CHArisma vs. INTelligence
Military diplomacy…STRength + CHArisma vs. STRength + CHArisma
Covert and Overt Intelligence…2 CHArisma vs. any one
Automatic Failure
A roll of 11 or 12 always means the attack failed, no matter how high the strength of the attack was.

Attack to Neutralize
The target must be a Group that is already controlled by another player.
The attacker gains an additional +6 bonus.
If the attack succeeds, the target Group and any subordinates are discarded and removed from play.

Attack to Destroy
The attacker rolls “Power minus Power.”
Groups with different philosophies destroy each other more easily. An Attack to Destroy gets a +4 bonus for every opposite alignment, and a -4 for every identical alignment.
If the attack succeeds, the target Group goes to the “dead pile.” Its subordinate Groups are not destroyed, but become uncontrolled.
“Power vs. Power.” Players may Attack each other’s Structure ONLY after Declaration of War.
- In times of Peace, a Group in another Player’s Structure can be Neutralized or weakened, but not Destroyed.

Trial by combat…STRength + vs. STRength
- Next Round begins with the collection of Income from every controlled Group.
You may also attack to destroy any Group in play except Illuminati... even one of your own Groups.
You may not destroy a Group from your hand — the target has to be in play. An Attack to Destroy works like an Attack to Control, except:
(1) Instead of rolling “Power minus Resistance,” roll “Power minus Power.” That is, the target defends with its Power rather than its Resistance. Its closeness to the Illuminati still counts for defense, unless you’re destroying one of your own Groups. The target’s common alignments with its master do not help — those increase Resistance, which is not used in this attack!
(2) You may try to destroy a Group in your own Power Structure. The target does not get a defense bonus for closeness to the Illuminati in this case. However, no Group may attack itself, or aid an attack on itself!

Winning the Game
The game ends when, at the end of a turn a player meets one of his Goals. If two or more players both meet their Goals at the same time, they
share the victory, dividing the world between them.
The Basic Goal is the same for all players: to control a certain number of Groups. This number depends on the number of players at the beginning of the game. If a player leaves or is eliminated, the number of Groups required to win (see p. 16) does not change.
The Special Goal is another way a player can win. This is different for each player, representing a specific goal or aim of that particular Illuminati. A player wins if he meets his Special Goal at the end of any turn.

Government is the opposite of Communist.
Liberal is the opposite of Conservative.
Peaceful is the opposite of Violent.
Straight is the opposite of Weird.
Criminal has no opposite alignment.
Fanatic – Any two Fanatic Groups are considered “opposite” to each other.
Play goes counter-clockwise around the table.
1. Collect income on all cards that have an Income number.
2. Draw a card. If it is a Special card, the player keeps it. If the card is a Group, it is placed face-up in the uncontrolled area.
3. Take two “actions.” See list, below.
4. Take any “free actions.” These do not count against the two actions allowed during each turn. They may be taken before, between, or after the two regular actions. See below for list.
5. Transfer money. Part or all of any Group’s money may be moved to an adjacent Group. Two money transfers are allowed per turn.
6. Take special-power actions.
Regular Actions: Attack a Group (to control, neutralize, or destroy); Transfer money; Move a Group; Give a Group away.
Free Actions: Drop a Group; Give away money or Specials;
Use a Special (Exception: Bribery is a regular action.)
Passing: A player may choose not to take any actions of any sort and collect 5MB instead.
Attack to Control. Defending Group’s Resistance is subtracted from attacking Group’s Power, including any Transferable Power from other Groups aiding in the attack. Only members of attacker’s own Power Structure can aid the attack. Modify this number for attacker’s or defender’s special powers, for money spent by both sides, and for other factors shown below.
Using two dice, attacker must roll this number or less. A roll of 11 or 12 is an automatic failure.
Same alignment (e.g., Weird vs. Weird) . . . . . . . . . . . . +4
Opposite alignment (e.g., Straight vs. Weird). . . . . . . .. -4
Each Megabuck (MB) spent by attacker . . . . . . . . . .  . +1
Each MB spent by defending Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -2
Each MB spent by defender’s Illuminati . . . . . . . . . .. . . -1
Each MB spent by other players to Interfere . . . . . . .. . -1
Each MB spent by other players to Assist. . . . . . . . . . . +1
Defending Group is controlled directly by Illuminati . . -10
Defending Group is 1 Group away from Illuminati . . .. . -5
Defending Group is 2 Groups away from Illuminati . .. . -2
Attack to Neutralize. As above, except that attacker
receives a +6 bonus.
Attack to Destroy. As above except:
1. Roll “Power minus Power,” instead of “Power minus
2. +4 for opposite alignment; -4 for identical.
3. Attacking Group does not need an open control arrow.
Groups to be controlled, including Illuminati
2 or 3 players (not recommended). . . . . . . . .  . . . . . 13
4 players. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . 12
5 players. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . 10
6 players . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
7 or 8 players (not recommended) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 8
Bavarian Illuminati. Control Groups with a total power of 35 or more (including their own Power of 10).
Bermuda Triangle. Control at least one Group of each alignment. A Group with more than one alignment counts for each of its alignments.
Discordian Society. Control 5 Weird Groups.
Gnomes of Zurich. Collect 150 megabucks (in the whole Power Structure’s treasuries).
The Network. Control Groups with a total Transferable Power of 25 (including their own 7).
Servants of Cthulhu. Destroy eight Groups.
Society of Assassins. Control six Violent Groups.
UFOs. At the beginning of the game, after players choose their Illuminati, the UFO player picks one of the seven Special Goals listed above. He writes it down, keeping it secret from the other players.

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3-10-3 Rule
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Mongoose Publishing
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The Sidebar 101

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a D&D Google Wiki
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Han-to-Hand Lunch Money
Brutal more Boardgames
Basic Master
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US Troop deployment
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Combat Simulator
Gothic BattleFleets
Strategic Space Opera
Federation & Empires

Star Fleet Universe
Customizable Card Games - CCGs
Magic: The Gathering
Rules more
Social Interactions
Live Action RPG
Encounter Tables

Illuminati NWO
Avalon Hill
City of Heroes

Endgame (Oakland)
 [BEST] Free RPGs on the WEB more
 [GOOD] Free Wargame Rules
Games of Berkeley

Marvel Classic Superheroes [TSR]
Mongoose Publishing
The New Universe
Pen and Paper Database
Tips for GMs & Players
Warpspawn Games
Weapons d20
  & Ammo
Wizards of the Coast
Wikipedia entries . . .
Fictional universes
   see Also Wiki Google also Also

Keywords 101

Komerex Zha
Endgame 101
The “Epic” War
The Humanx Galaxy
Scenarios                              v3
Had a fight
Siege an ancient city
Pacify another country
Defend a solar system
Scenario Simple Play
See also Simple, Quick and Dirty, MADRH, FRAG, Munchkin
Scenario Capture the Flag
Scenario Explore strange new worlds…
Scenario Invasion
Expansion Total War
- Play the game for EVERY frontier [Theater].
- Federation & Empires
Ship-to-Ship in three different scenarios along the border
Scenario Komerex Zha - The Structure that Grows
The Galactic Empire
Member worlds
Missions and Episodes
Cadet’s Game
Commander’s Game
Win ten games to gain command of a ship.
Captain’s Game
A five-year mission may have about a hundred assignments, few of which are combat.
Admiral’s Game
With thirteen ships, invade a border. See Border War and Invasion below.
Starship Combat Simulator
Border War
The Birth of the Federation
“4X” Label - Missions
The United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Commander in Chief
160+ Member worlds
100 Starships
Moveable Units are Starships
Ship Resources
Command, Diplomacy, Starship Combat, Science, Security, Cargo, and Any Specialty
Officers' and Crew Attributes
Sector Exploration Report 2009.10.09
Planetary Survey Report 2009.10.09
Starfleet of Class One Starships in Technical Manual
Starfleet of Class One Starships 2267
Starfleet Deployment of Class One Starships 2267
Starfleet Assigned to Sector 47
Military Maneuvers Fleet 2009.10/09
Ships assigned to Full Circle
The Klingon Empire
Chancellor, High Council
100+ Subject worlds
100+ Warships
Klingon Forces in each Border, Intelligence Report 2267
Sector Exploration Report 2009.1028 20 ly
10  possible habitable systems 13%
System 2009.1028 Scan 1 ly
Planetary Survey Report 2009.1028 1AU
Klingon Battle Group 2288
The Romulan Star Empire
Praetor, Central Committee
Examples of Scale
Scenario Format
Your expand your influence with Diplomacy, Economics, Military, or Covertly
Board- The World. Each 1” space is 500 miles [25 north-south, 50 east-west]
Player Character Pieces are Fleets, and Navies
Home is the Capitol city or region
Starship Size
Ground Forces
Komerex Zha
Starship and Fleet Combat Assignments
2260s Starfleet Command Ships
Sector Control
Economics Phase
Simple Starship Combat Game: Rules

Other simple RPG topics . . .
Erotic RPG
Total War
Operational Set-up 2260s
Klingon Empire battle Starfleet Forces across the Neutral Zone
Player Character Generation
Komerex Zha
“The structure that grows”
Starship and Fleet Combat Assignments
2260s Starfleet Command Ships
Sector Control
Miscellaneous Rules of Play. . .
Trojan War
"The face that launched a thousand ships" at 50 per ship has a "national" force of 50,000 sea-to-land troops.
Mob Combat
33 are M-type stars in 20 systems,
A single starship [or ten] exit warp and proceed at an intercept course.

Endgame 101
Each Player draws an equal number of Player Character / Pieces to a Game session on one Level
Use pre-Generated Characters or Units following agreed upon limits. Adjustments to statistics are made at this time to balance game play.
Define the World / Board
EVERYTHING is limited to what is put on the table top. Use of anything [equipment, rule modifications] outside of the agreed arena, as well as items “created” in play not previously agreed upon results in disqualification.
- see World Building 101
Define the Goal to end the game, ie, Victory Conditions, Time limit, and Penalties
Any Player may quit at any time, forfeiting the Game.
Create Encounters, Episodes, Missions, and Campaigns
Build a Campaign that contains Episodes.
Build Episodes that contain Encounters,
Every Objective has a Difficulty Rating having more than one chance to be solved.
Every Objective has a series of possible Victory conditions, as well as Penalties.
There must be a limit to Game Time, which can be divided into sessions.
Results may vary, but are agreed upon, so predictable.
Every survivor of The Game may be rewarded with promotion, increase in abilities, assimilation into a larger Unit. Awards are carried by the PC to future games.
Order of Play
Every Beginning with the higher Level, set up the Pieces, usually opposite each other on the Board.
The larger PC plays first, giving smaller PCs an initiative advantage. Play is simultaneous or not, but the results are drawn at the end of a Round [or Turn].
Each PC moves one space [ d6 for some Tactical games].
Each Player draws three Es [Encounters, Episodes, Events (Missions)].
Each one is played in its entirety.
Markers are placed in spaces where victories take place and are controlled by the Player.
Control refers to the leaving of any autonomous representative that can grow, protect, and serve as support for that space.
Combat is not the most important aspect of any role-playing game, although it is the most emphasized. Combat may occur when forces are adjacent to each other using Simple Combat Rules. When opposing forces occupy the same Space, Quick & Dirty Combat Rules is the easiest to use. The Winner may occupy the loser’s territory (Space), or leave it Uncontrolled.

The “Epic” War
The Humanx Galaxy
A Globular galaxy has attracted the attention of Humanity in the Third Imperium. It is reached by ‘one way’ slipstream. Any ship going there remains there. The most cost effective means then, after the initial probe-scouts, was the use of ark-ships, each costing a decade-long planetary economy.

Each new ‘empire’ will create it’s own government, society, and resource use over the course of a century across only six parsecs [a sector 20 light-years across]. There can be anywhere from 1 to 3 home worlds with colonies, no more than 20 worlds total. Only after a century will there be the possibility of encountering another empire, usually just a representative explorer ship. There are no alien civilizations here, space-faring or industrial. Any encounter will be with an empire of at least a century in power.

The term ‘empire’ is used loosely in that governments can be anything from a monarchy to a representative gestalt. Cultures usually follow one set of standards, rooting out anything that opposes it dramatically. The only way to survive is to keep open, but centralize all forms of communication and transport of commerce.

Space is vast. There is no communication outside of the areas explored; relay stations are required. Combat is possible between ships, but war is not a viable option. There is no defense against ships that can just avoid or go around each other without firing a shot. Not even an orbital fleet can insure the defense of a planet. So there is no war. Empires can continue to grow at the rate of one sector per century; twice that if encountering, but not allying with another empire. Alliances can be formed, treaties for trade of commerce and/or culture. Bases are built to expand further outside the sector limits, allowing for an 8 sector expansion [27 for three cooperating empires]. Overlaps may occur, but each planet is a unit in itself, to be played in every turn to insure its growth. Any planet not played for 3 turns is considered ‘lost.’ Sectors having planets in control of empires not forming an alliance are considered ‘neutral zones’ and may stretch many sectors wide. These can be patrolled by both sides for various reasons. Uprisings, piracy, espionage are just a few.

“War is not a viable option, but it is not out of the question.”- Rod, the First Klingon

Sample Empires

The “Iron Fist” of the “Emperor of Man” holds religion and high technology over its populations.

“The Republic” holds a council of worlds, primary races and founding families; with a second ‘house’ of representatives for the populace.

“The Tribes”
Of the same racial stock, but of differing views. Usually follow one ‘religion’ and set of moral codes.

Corporate worlds
Possess the farthest reaching forms of communications and supporting technology. Owns or has access to FTL fleets.

“The Holy Order”

Balkan states and ‘lost worlds’
Have not expanded beyond their own system. Or have done so but were abandoned, as opposed to quarantined or protected worlds. These planets may be overrun with many nations or be in a continuous war state. These are easily exploited by other empires…for resources, mercenaries, slaves. Activities like these are illegal, but cannot be enforced. So each turns a blind eye, covertly participating themselves.

Scenarios v3

Had a fight
Unit:  Human
Scale:  1:60 1 inch = 5 feet [1.5m]
Time:   Three 3 second phases in a 10 second Turn
2 Attribute Points [APs] = 200 pounds or 100 kilograms force pushed 5 feet
FRAG Rules
Each Piece is allocated Actions per Round [7 in Basic rules] to Move, Attack, or Defend this 10-sec Turn
Move 1d6 squares per Action allocated to movement
Roll to-Hit to Attack any Adjacent opponent in the line of movement, 1 Action per attack
- note: each Attack has an appropriate Damage assigned to it
Roll for Defensive Save, 1 Action per Save attempted
Resolve Damage from each Successful (unopposed) hit
- in Solitaire, the "robot" opponent automatically moves 1d6 spaces [or next to if higher] towards the closest opposing Piece, using 3 Attacks and 4 Defensive Saves; standard weapon Damage applied to each successful Attack

Siege an ancient city
Unit:  Troops
Scale:  1:6,000 1 inch = 500 feet
Time:   Three 5 minute phases in a 15 minute Turn
10 Attribute Points [APs] = 50,000 pounds Room Damaged, 1d10 casualties; 2 pounds TNT

Pacify another country
Unit:  Army 50,000 troops and ordinance; Navy 10 ship Fleet; Air transport OR Strike
Scale:  1 inch = 250 miles
Time:   days, week
Supremacy Rules
Each Unit has 3 attacks and 4 defenses ( in Simple or Solitaire mode)

Defend a solar system
Unit:  Starship
Scale:  1 inch = 1 AU or 100 million miles or 150 million km  or 500 light-seconds
Time:   hours, day
Starship Tactical Combat Rules
Each starship pairs off against an opposing starship in a 10-second Round as follows...
Allocate Actions to be used to Attack or Defend
Allocate Power to Weapons, Shields, and Movement for each Action
Range - Actions / Elapsed Time
300,000km/186,000mi/200,000 kellicams/0 seconds - Roll one To-Hit per Attack Action allocated this Phase- i.e., fire

Scenario Simple Play
Your Character must get to the other side of an environment [open space, city, ruins, building] in a specified period of time, AND stay alive!
Board- Each 1” space is  5’ [1.5m]
- Movement is 1 space per second [2 steps]; 6 spaces maximum, running in 3 seconds
- 300 meters arena
Player Character is near 6’ [2m] tall humanoid, weighing 200+ lbs [100 kilos], mobile on foot
- Equipment: Clothes, body armor [3 APs], weapons [Weapons 101], various devices
- Weapons [various, era and mission specific] long-range [assault rifle], medium [pistol], and melee [bladed]
- Hand-to-hand damage
Home is the controlled ground the Character is standing on; mobile
- Timeline and Random Events
- Roll every 30’ [9m] hall length, a room, around the corner, 100m open space, or Surprised!
- NPC(s) are 1d10 amateurs, d6 veterans, 1-2 elite, or “monster” of up to 5 APs total damage potential
- Results are Avoided [no win/loss], INTelligence and/or CHArisma, or COMbat
- estimated real-time duration: ten minutes movement plus encounters
Compare DEXterity [or Agility] To-Hit
Compare STRength [or Firepower] reduced by Armor [or other DEFenses] to do DAMage
See also Simple, Quick and Dirty, MADRH, FRAG, Munchkin

Scenario Capture the Flag
Your Pieces must capture your Opponent’s Flag by killing everyone.
Board- Each 1” space is  5’ [1.5m]
- Movement is 1 space per second [2 steps]; 6 spaces maximum, running in 3 seconds
- Troops may not be more than 30’ [9m] apart from each other- auto-death!
Player Characters are nr 6’ [2m] tall humanoids, weighing 280 lbs, mobile on foot
- Equipment: Clothes, body armor [3 APs], weapons [see next entry], various devices
- Weapons [short-range only] pistol, melee [bladed]
- Hand-to-hand damage
Home is the Flag carried, to be captured…”Last Man Standing”
- No set Timeline and Random Events
- NPCs (20) on the Board are 10 amateurs, 6 veterans, 2 elite, one Surprise! and one “monster”
- Enemy moves towards nearest equal or weaker Piece on his turn
- Results are Avoided [no win/loss], or COMbat
Same as Simple Play above

Scenario Explore strange new worlds…
You explore, expand the frontiers, and have various missions for your Empire.
Board- Each 1” space is one Parsec [3.26 light-years]
- range is limited up to 20 light-years from the assigned Starbase
- Movement is 1 space per week [Wf6, 200c]
Player Character is a Starship.
Home is an assigned Starbase.
- Timeline and Random Events
- The ship chooses from random Missions in 3 nearby spaces to be “assigned” to. Play to obtain the Goal.
- NPC(s) enemy ship(s), worlds, personalities, and situations that create difficulties, etc.
- Results are based on ship‘s Resources, crew INTelligence, Skills, or COMbat vs. Difficulty
- Points are to be evaluated after ten Missions
See Simple, Quick and Dirty
- Play the game for EVERY starship assigned to each sector.
Episode examples
Balance of Terror
Science, Command, and Starship Combat
Do not enter the Neutral Zone, destroy the enemy
Victory Points: 3
Elaan of Troyus
Diplomacy, CHArisma, Security, or Starship Combat
Avoid conflict
Victory Points: 2

Scenario Invasion
Board- Each 1” space is 20 light-years along the frontier between two Empires
- Movement is 1 space per week [1,000c] OR per day, maximum warp!
Player Characters are a Fleet of starships.
Home is a Starbase staging area and a defended frontier world.
- Timeline and Random Events
- Assign ships to enter each Sector
- Randomize opposing [No controlling Player] ships to be equal in Total STRength [Firepower]
- Resolve combat for each Sector. The Invader MUST win to advance, else Game ends
- Results do not allow for retreat or Draws
See Simple, Quick and Dirty
Expansion Total War
- Play the game for EVERY frontier [Theater].
- Federation & Empires
Ship-to-Ship in three different scenarios along the border
Round One
A starship [Scout on planetary survey mission / cruiser / heavy cruiser on patrol] encounters 1 to 3 military ships [frigate / destroyer / cruiser]
Using Quick & Dirty Combat Rules and the following number of Draws…
        0     Win…all 3 ships are joined by the next Group of 5 ships
Defending fleet deploys 5 ships
Defending fleet and the other 2 border ships deploy
Lose the element of surprise…return to home base…defender resets / redeploys ships
5 Ships vs. 5 Ships in a 5x5 grid, inside defending frontier
10 Ships vs. 10 ships in a 10x10 grid, inside defending territory
Fleets of 1d10 Ships each face off in a 10x10 sector grid, in Home space
Use the same procedure for the following Round of hands…
You defend the frontier of your Empire. OR you attempt to take another Empire’s frontier world.

Round Two
A hand of 5 ships vs. the invading ships from Round One
Round Three
A hand of 5 ships vs. the invading ships from Round Two
Round Four
Remaining invading ships vs. a planet or base with 25 pts in defensive systems…if the invader wins, the base or planet falls and is occupied…a total of 13 ships are deployed to invade the next sector.

Scenario Komerex Zha - The Structure that Grows
- is the basis of the Board, Customizable Cards, and Role Playing Game, all in one.
Board-  is the growing Territories. The Table represents the World that supports Everything. Each 1” space represents a Territory or Group controlled.
Player Character- The Piece is represented by a Chit.
The Cards explain the Groups, Rules, Objects, and Actions
The Sheets are used to show the History of each
The Book of Everything has the Sheets as Pages
Home- Each Player starts with a Home Piece or Card, called the Illuminati.
- Timeline and Random Events
Draw Cards - Groups are put on the Table to be played for; Specials are kept.
- NPC(s)
- Results
Actions include Attacks, Move, Build, or no Action.
- Attacks are to Control, Neutralize, or Destroy.
Attack to Control “Power minus Resistance.”
Attack to Destroy “Power minus Power.” Players may Attack each other’s Structure ONLY after Declaration of War.
- In times of Peace, a Group in another Player’s Structure can be Neutralized or weakened, but not Destroyed.
Next Round begins with the collection of Income from every controlled Group.

The Galactic Empire
Member worlds

Missions and Episodes
For each ship or fleet, assign Skills, Systems, and Resources to be used in an episode prior to play;
An Episode may contain up to four Skill Tests to complete an Assignment;
Completed episodes are rated Victory Points, re-rolls reduce this.
The Ship
Each ship class has defined Systems that can be switched out for anticipated missions. Each Department and the Crew has a Skill Rating.
Cadet’s Game
Draw seven Skill Cards for your Hand;
Draw a Skill Test face down, one for each Quarter;
Play one or more of the stated skills from your hand for each Quarter [discard all cards if none are in your hand];
Flip a coin for each Skill Card used, re-roll the same skills on a failure;
If the sum of re-rolls and discards are four or more, repeat the Year;
Graduate as a Lieutenant j.g. for no repeats;
Graduate as an Ensign on one repeat;
Become a Crewman for two or more repeats;
Roll 1d10 years between promotions, up to Commander.
Commander’s Game
Win ten games to gain command of a ship.
Captain’s Game
A five-year mission may have about a hundred assignments, few of which are combat.
Admiral’s Game
With thirteen ships, invade a border. See Border War and Invasion below.

Starship Combat Simulator
Allocate Actions to be used for Attacks and Defenses for this Round
Assign Weapons to be used per Attack Action
Place Ships on Board
Place Attack Actions on the Ships closest to each other
For all Ships, flip/roll for To-Hit less Defenses
Resolve Damages and remove Ships that have Zero or less Structure Points
[Optional - Apply Damage Control to repair one Structure Point on all Ships still in the Game - no Action loss]
Repeat until one Side is Eliminated
This Game is expandable and can be One-on-One or Thousands of Units
Border War
Each Sector is assigned ship fleets with Attack and Defense characteristics
Assign Damage to be used per Attack Action
Roll for To-Hits vs. Defensive Saves at the ratio of 3:4
Reassign ship fleets and continue Twice;
If one Side is not Eliminated, it ends in a Stalemate with both sides having lost resources to continue.
Starship Combat using Damage Control Rules
Ships in combat can and will be damaged and possibly destroyed. The Player in control of his fleet may declare the order of the ships to damage or destroy. Ships are reduced or removed from play for the next round. Any ship may be removed from play, even if not damaged, but not return for this session, ie, flew away.
The Birth of the Federation
Exploration Scout (free piece) moves and discovers another World (2 Actions)
Expansion Cruisers to Colonize (if uninhabited) or Diplomacy (1 Action)
Exploit Economics and Trade; and/or Military Agreements (no Action cost)
Economics Collect Income (ie, Tax) (no Action cost)
Build Base, Ship, Resource Refinery (1 Action each)
Move Ship(s), redeploy Military Forces, hire Workforce (Actions)

“4X” Label - Missions

Explore with Scouts
- Stars, systems, class M worlds, signs of civilizations, resources, anomalies
Expand with Cruisers
- new colonies and outposts
- first contact with new civilizations
- treaties with new other space faring worlds
Exploit with Transports
- gather and use resources - Economics
- builds Starbases
- support colonies - Trade
Exterminate with Destroyers
- builds - Destroyers, frigates, carriers, dreadnoughts
- attacking and eliminating rival players
- Political, economic, intelligence and espionage
The United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Commander in Chief
160+ Member worlds
100 Starships

File 91027.8
Begin as the Federation and Starfleet Command Headquarters at the center of your Board.
Each Piece represents a Card which in turn has a Sheet or Page that describes it. There are two kinds of Pieces, mobile and stationary.
Draw 7 cards to represent Resources, Groups, Special. This is your Hand.
Resources are Mineral, Food, and Energy - materials to be collected but not active;
Groups are Persons, Organizations, or Places - can be interacted with;
Special cards represent Plots, Goals, and Actions.
Earth and eight Sectors around it are the "core" of the Federation, explored and established as of 2151. Each has Groups [worlds with governments and officials], Resources [includes work force, [population], and Economic Points. The worlds are Alpha Centauri, Vulcan, Andor, Tellar with 10 EPs each; and 4 colonies at 1 - 5 EPs each.
Between 2151 and 2161, the eight sectors are explored by a Scout and assigned an Embassy to broker a Treaty at Home worlds by a Cruiser, A Transport is to establish a Colony or Starbase each.
Moveable Units are Starships
Ship Resources
Command, Diplomacy, Starship Combat, Science, Security, Cargo, and Any Specialty
Officers' and Crew Attributes
STRength       Physical   Starship Combat, Security
INTelligence   Mental     Sciences, Medical, Engineering
CHArisma      Psyche     Diplomacy, Willpower, Morale
Explore with Scouts File 90720.1
- Exploration Command assigns scout ships across a map of surrounding territories/sectors - Stars, systems, class M worlds, signs of civilizations, resources, anomalies
Expand with Cruisers
- claim new territory by creating new colonies and outposts, or by extending the influence of existing member worlds [may also include Diplomacy].
- Command initiates first contact with new civilizations
- Diplomatic Service contacts and forms treaties with new other space faring worlds
Exploit with Transports
- gather and use resources in areas controlled, and improve the efficiency of that usage [Economics and Trade].
- Corps of Engineers builds Starbases
- Convoys colonize new worlds
- Materiel Command Cargo vessels support colonies - Trade
Exterminate with Destroyers
- Military Command builds and maintains Combat vessels - Destroyers, frigates, carriers, dreadnoughts
- attacking and eliminating rival players [not limited to Combat, may include Espionage].
Since all territory is eventually claimed, eliminating a rival's presence can be the only way to achieve further expansion [and ultimately winning the Game].
- other forms of control - Political, economic, intelligence and espionage

Sector Exploration Report 2009.10.09
10  possible habitable systems in 75 stars in a 20 ly sector
13% chance of habitable systems
Planetary Survey Report 2009.10.09
Habitable coefficient 555
- Gravity, Temperature (Absolute 0 - terrestrial - scorched), Biosphere (0 none - habitable - toxic)
Geo-classification .9997
- Gravity, Radiation, Chemical, Atmosphere, others
Class M worlds, scans for the following…
Minerals and energy sources
Civilizations, signs of - radio signals, atmospheric industrial pollutants and refined materials
Threat analysis
Immoveable Units are Starbases and Colonies
Scientific Survey Report
- mineral, exotic or industrial compound, energy source, signs of civilization
Xenocultural Specialist Survey Report
- Society classification: Nomad, agro, industrial, modern, advanced
Colonization Report
- Build housing, factories and storage, services
Mining Colony Report
- Production; extraction, processing
Trade Colony Report
- Imports, exports, consumption, surplus
Diplomatic Report
- Non-aggression, trade, alliance, member
Intelligence report
- Threat assessment

Starfleet of Class One Starships in Technical Manual
Class Type DWTonnage
Constitution class Heavy Cruiser 180-200,000mt
Shiva Destroyer 95-100,000mt
Cygnus Scout 85,000mt
Starfleet of Class One Starships 2267
Pts ea Type       Class   Number Total
8 pts Heavy Cruisers CA Constitution class only  12  96
7 pts Cruisers CR Various classes  18 126
6 pts Various DD SC +  47 282
5 pts Frigates FR  20 100
9+ pts Experimental BB DN CX    3  30
All 100 634
Starfleet Deployment of Class One Starships 2267
5 - 10 ship Fleet
Carrier Fleet with escorts
3 - 5 ship Squadron
2 - 3 ship Wing
Starfleet Assigned to Sector 47
Starbase - Coordinate missions
Scout - Exploration and Espionage
Cruiser - Escort and patrol space lanes; Diplomatic; Support Star base, colonies, planet-based scientific outposts
Heavy Cruiser - Border patrol; Military Command; 24+ hours out
Military Maneuvers Fleet 2009.10/09
Order of Battle: 3 Frigates, 2 Destroyers, a Cruiser, Fighters, an Assault Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Carrier, and Command Cruiser
In Ship-of-the-Line combat, remove ships in the order placed. In official F&E rules, crippled ships can be removed and reinserted after being repaired to Crippled status anywhere in the Line.
Ships assigned to Full Circle
The following are the ships assigned to the exploratory fleet all equipped with quantum slipstream drive:
USS Voyager - flagship
USS Esquiline - Vesta-class Multi-vector Explorer
USS Quirinal - Vesta-class Multi-vector Explorer
USS Hawking - Nebula class Cruiser
USS Curie - Nebula class Cruiser
USS Planck - Nebula class Cruiser
USS Galen - prototype/experimental Emergency Medical Vessel fitted with a large holographic crew
USS Achilles - holding spare parts and industrial replicators for the fleet
USS Demeter - a vessel equipped with airoponic bays and storage facilities for biological resources

The Klingon Empire
Chancellor, High Council
100+ Subject worlds
100+ Warships
Klingon Forces in each Border, Intelligence Report 2267
D7 Heavy Cruisers D7 class only  3
D6 Cruisers D6 Various classes    9
5 pts Various D5 F5  8
4 pts Various E4 K23  6
9+ Experimental D7M L9 B10  1
All 27
Sector Exploration Report 2009.1028 20 ly
10  possible habitable systems 13%
System 2009.1028 Scan 1 ly
F-type primary; 2 rocks, asteroids, 2 gas giants, 1 ice
Planetary Survey Report 2009.1028 1AU
Inner gas giant moon - Jungle, volcanic; monsoon weather; 70% ocean; metals rich
Class M world, scan for the following… Orbital
Minerals contain heavier-than-iron metals and energy signatures noted
Civilization- no industrial pollutants
Threat analysis - none out-system
Scientific Survey Report
- mineral, exotic or industrial compound, energy source, signs of civilization
Xenocultural Specialist Survey Report
- Society classification: Hunter-nomads; seasonal “cities”
Colonization Report
- Build housing, storage, services assignments
Mining Colony Report
- Production; extraction, processing
Trade Colony Report
- Imports: basic, 100% consumption; exports: mineral
Diplomatic Report
Intelligence report
- Threat assessment - no nearby space faring empires

Klingon Battle Group 2288
Command Cruiser
Assault Troop Transport
3 D-7M K’Tinga class Heavy cruisers
3 Bird of Preys

The Romulan Star Empire
Praetor, Central Committee
60+ Subjugated worlds of nearly 300. 50 Sectors  contain about 2,500 stars in 1,000 systems of which have a 13% chance of habitable planets. About 150 G-type yellow dwarf stars, 150 K-type  orange stars, 50 F-type green yellow stars, 1,650 are M-type stars in 1,000 systems, another 850 stars in 500 systems fall outside the Main Sequence.
Caste system government
Central Committee
- Political Appointees
Continuing Committee
- Tal’Shiar (internal and external security and intelligence)
Clan Lords
Military Command orbital and ground base
- mostly conscripted prisoners or political deportees for colonial workforce

Examples of Scale
One “space” / maximum movement / time [phase, or turn]
- Physical size and description, Actions (Active and Passive; Attacks and Defensive), Resources ($US)
$ 1 to 1,000 normal individuals' budget
$M Groups
$B City or Region
$T National
$Q Planetary
5’ [1.5m]; 60:1 scale / 30’ [10m] per second / 3-4 sec phase
Human [-oid] 200 400 800 lbs Force [2-4 APs]
50’ [15m] tactical ground combat scale

Above examples:
Warhammer 40K

500’ [150m] block /
A kiloton device removes tens of thousands around a few blocks [30 APs] 250,000 tons
- Starship-mounted Phaser bank, photon torpedo, Bolo tank mounted Hellbore

One mile [1.6km] / one hour march; 10 min sprint
A megaton nuke removes hundreds of thousands in about 10 square miles [40 APs] 250 million tons

Above examples: Warhammer 40K, Mecha

Planet- or Ground-based Tactical and Strategic scales:
1 mph march
30 fps [20 mph] at a limited run
6 mph; 10 minute mile sprint
30 mph [50 klicks] urban, sea, or all-terrain ground effect vehicles
- Army/Navy Force of 50,000 troops, including transports, weapons, equipment; 500 miles a day [with stops]
600 mph atmospheric to 720 mph [mach 1], limited to 3,000 miles range between refuels
Earth’s Circumference
360 degrees x 60 seconds each = 21,600 nautical miles= 24,500 standard miles = 40,000km
Above examples: AD&D Table-Top War games, Warhammer 40K, Supremacy

300,000 km / 186,000 miles weapons limit for most starships
10,000km / 30,000 per second [ 0.1c] / 3 sec phase; 10 sec turn
2 points per Phaser bank or photon torpedo
Example: Starship Combat

Parsec / 20 light-years [6 parsecs] Sector per turn
Points are based on ship over-all weapons and structural integrity
Example: Federation and Empires

Scenario Format
Your expand your influence with Diplomacy, Economics, Military, or Covertly
Board- The World. Each 1” space is 500 miles [25 north-south, 50 east-west]
Player Character Pieces are Fleets, and Navies
Home is the Capitol city or region

Starship Size
Reliant-class battle cruiser (HMS Nike) 1,630m [1 mile] length = 40,000+ cu m = 10 million+ tons = 0.25 tons per cu meter
Super-Dreadnought [SD] 8 million tons = 1,510m = 50 decks = 30 pts
Battleship [BB] 4 million tons = 1,200m = 40 decks = 20 pts
Battle cruiser [BC] 500,000 tons = 600m = 20 decks = 10 pts
Heavy cruiser, armored [CA] 200,000 tons = 441m = 1 decks = 8 pts
Cruiser [CR] 150,000 tons = 400m = 13 decks = 7 pts
Light cruiser [CL] 100,000 tons = 350m = 12 decks = 6 pts
Destroyer [DD] 80,000 tons = 325m = 11 decks = 6 pts
Frigate [FR] 50,000 tons = 280m = 9 decks = 5 pts
Constitution class Heavy cruiser 300m length = 24 decks = 200,000 tons = 8 pts
- example, a 2 pt phaser or torpedo hit causes 50 isotons or 50,000 tons of damage

Ship-to-Ship in three different scenarios along the border
5 Ships vs. 5 Ships in a 5x5 grid, inside defending frontier
10 Ships vs. 10 ships in a 10x10 grid, inside defending territory
Fleets of 1d10 Ships each face off in a 10x10 sector grid, in Home space

- Random Encounters

Movement is at the appropriate distance / time scale. Stationary PCs are only concerned with target range and to-hit difficulty.
Scale The Game board (or Arena of Play- Arena) usually consists of 1 inch Spaces (Squares or Hexes).
Units occupy Spaces and can move up to their allocated Move Actions per 10-second Turn, divided into three 3-second Rounds. The most common Role-Playing scales are: 1 inch = 5 feet (1.5m) for human/-oid Races; 10,000km Starship Tactical Combat.

Plots and Goals are defined at the start of the game.
Random encounters and timed events occur during the course of a Scenario.
Conflicts are resolved based on the attributes and skills used against difficulty ratings.              
Combat is not the most important aspect of any role-playing game, although it is the most emphasized.
Set up Game board:
Opponents enter the Arena (area of Play)
Character/Pieces are assigned a number for both Actions per Turn and starting Health Points
Actions are divided among the following Attributes: Attack, Defense, and Movement
Move Pieces one space per Movement Attribute per Turn
For each Piece in play, select Target(s) in facing, passing, or adjacent spaces and assign Attack Actions for each
Roll To-Hit for each Attack
Roll Saves per Defense Attribute to eliminate a successful Attack
Remove Pieces that have a Result of zero (or less) Health Points
Repeat Steps until one side remains Victorious

Character Creation
Assign Characteristics, Attributes, and History for every Piece to be played;
The Board
Create a Board for each Scale to be played;
Set Up
Place Pieces on the Board;
Each Piece is moved one free Space (square, hex), noting Restrictions;
Pieces adjacent to, or facing, can perform Attacks and Defenses using Simple Combat Rules (or MADR, FRAG);
Pieces occupying the same Space must use Quick and Dirty Combat Rules, where there is only one clear Winner;
An occupied Space may be termed as Controlled only after combat and by placing an Occupation Force Piece (ie, Flag, Garrison, etc);
Scenarios v4
“The Face That Launched  Thousand Ships”
Starship Combat
Klingon Invasion of Federation Space
Sixteen Starships

“The Face That Launched  Thousand Ships”
The Trojan War; Greek invasion of the Asia Minor shore c 1200BC.
Scale: 5’ in 4 sec; 1 mile in 1 hour; 25 miles in 1 day
Opposing forces: 2
Greeks: 1,000 ships of 50 troops each;
Trojans: 50,000 ground troops.

Starship Combat
“Captain, I am detecting a ship coming out of warp”
“Red Alert! Plot an intercept course”
Each ship [or fleet] drops out of warp 300,000km [1 l-sec] facing each other on a 8-by-8 Board [or 10-by-10 grid] (not ships of the same fleet may occupy the same space);
Each player positions all of his ships one space each Phase to fire on a ship in the same OR adjacent space;
Assign weapons fire to targets; roll for each to-hit;
Remove units that have zero (or less) Structural Integrity (or Hull);
Optional: roll for Defensive Save actions; allow for Damage Control (heal) every turn after the first one.
“Come about! Arm weapons and re-establish shields!”
Repeat until all of one side has been destroyed.
Additional: Any ship in play may disengage but not return for the duration of the Game;
Any ship leaving the Board is considered removed from the Game;
The largest ship in play for each side may NOT disengage.

High Card
Each Player puts a ship card face down to be used for combat;
High card wins!
Options: Use the Simplified, Quick and Dirty, or FRAG rules.
Remove Destroyed card from play; Winner stays Damaged.

Klingon Invasion of Federation Space
A Klingon Expeditionary Force of ten warships cross the border in a series of three conflicts vs. Starfleet starships in a Sector
Conflict One - three skirmishes
3 destroyers encounter 3 different class starships in one-on-one combat;
Combat continues until the winner destroys the loser in each skirmish
2 or 3 Starfleet ships destroyed - continue Invasion
2 or 3 Klingon ships destroyed - Game ends; no surprise
Conflict Two - Battle for [Starbase name]
5 warships vs. 5 starships
Conflict Three -  Battle for [planet name]
5 warships vs. 5 starships
Place ships on Board
Assign weapons fire to targets, closest ones first; roll for each to-hit;
Remove units that have zero (or less) Structural Integrity (or Hull);
Continue until all of one side has been destroyed.
Optional: roll for Defensive Save actions; allow for Damage Control (heal) every turn after the first one.
Option Two: Quick and Dirty Combat: Flip the sum of ATK and opponent's DEF
-the first to flip under ATK is the Winner
- if both flip under or over ATK...DRAW
- the Winner loses half its forces [ie, ATK] for every draw!

Sixteen Starships
Starship Chess
Each side has 16 Starships coming out of warp and moving towards each other at 30,000km per second
8-by-8 Board 10,000km to a side
Move each ship one space up to three times, assign weapons fire to targets, in the same space, then the closest one; roll for each to-hit;
Remove units that have zero (or less) Structural Integrity (or Hull);
Repeat the procedure with remaining ships for the next turn;
Continue until one side has no ships remaining.
3 sides have 8 ships each on the same 8-by-8 Board.
Suggested pieces:
King Dreadnought
Queen Heavy Cruiser
Bishops Cruisers
Knights Destroyers
Rooks Assault Ships
Pawns Frigates/Fast Response Ships

Ground Forces
50,000 troops can eliminate up to 1 million people and control 10 million civilian population and cover 250 miles a day at 30 mph on land or water, or 1,500 miles by airlift;
500 troops cover 5 miles in an hour’s march, or 30 miles by ground transport;
5 man-squads cover 5 to 30 feet in 3 seconds Tactical Combat scale.
Strategic Starship complement
A Brigade of 2,000 troops can take over a 10 EP home world [1,500 Klingons = 20 platoons of 15 squads of 5 troops]
Long-range - weapons remove 1d10 each (i.e., 10AP mortar, tank shell, missile, etc);                                          
Facing – Assign shots fired to targets in range and line of sight; roll To-Hit for each shot fired; roll for Damage for each successful hit; remove Targets that result in zero Health or less;                                                                        
Melee – Remove 1d10 casualties each side per Round of Combat for every facing Group of 10; Repeat until one side is eliminated

Komerex Zha
“The structure that grows”
Establish a Home Capital complete with Food, Infrastructure, and Socio-economy to support it.
Create Scouts, Warriors, and Specialists to explore, expand, and exploit adjacent Territories…these could be physical (places), or abstracts (groups).
Build lines of defense to strengthen the structure to prevent invasion along the borders, or sabotage and collapse from within.

Starship and Fleet Combat Assignments
3 ships [up to 20 point total] assigned to a base along the frontier near a disputed border…
Small Scout [2/5] Exploration and planetary surveys 100 crew
Cruiser [6] Logistics and support 300 crew
Heavy cruiser [8] Border patrol 400 crew
Base [25 points] Watchtower class 1,500 personnel

Two Groups of 5 ships [up to 50 point total] assigned to a Starbase [25 points] in the same Sector…
Military Group
Support Group

Three more Sub-fleets of up to 13 ships, total of 50 ships [300 points] form a Military Fleet deployment…
Seventh Fleet  50 ships [300 Economic Points cost] 50,000 crew
3rd, 5th, and 13th Marine Brigades 150,000 troops

Up to ten fleets comprise an empire’s Navy…
Starfleet 500 ships [3,000 Economic Points cost] 500,000 /1.5M crew/support
Klingon DF 300 ships [2,000 EPs] 500,000 / 1.5M crew/troops

2260s Starfleet Command Ships
Hermes class Scout
Cygnus class Diplomatic cruiser
Siva class Destroyer
Knox class Multi-purpose cruiser
Ptolemy class Tug
Constitution class Heavy cruiser
Federation class Dreadnought

Round One
A starship [Scout on planetary survey mission / cruiser / heavy cruiser on patrol] encounters 1 to 3 military ships [frigate / destroyer / cruiser]
Using Quick & Dirty Combat Rules and the following number of Draws…
        0     Win…all 3 ships are joined by the next Group of 5 ships
Defending fleet deploys 5 ships
Defending fleet and the other 2 border ships deploy
Lose the element of surprise…return to home base…defender resets / redeploys ships
Use the same procedure for the following Round of hands…
Round Two
A hand of 5 ships vs. the invading ships from Round One
Round Three
A hand of 5 ships vs. the invading ships from Round Two
Round Four
Remaining invading ships vs. a planet or base with 25 pts in defensive systems…if the invader wins, the base or planet falls and is occupied…a total of 13 ships are deployed to invade the next sector.

Sector Control
Keywords: Pusoy, Russian Poker
Each side begins a fleet of 54 ships [300 points] each to a Sector.
Deploy 13 ships in Hands of 3, 5, and 5 each Round, strongest hand last (most combat points)
Each Hand is played using Quick and Dirty Combat Rules
The best 2 out of 3 rounds win control of the Sector
Play three more Sector Control games…the best 3 out of 4 conquers half the quadrant!
In every Invasion and Control Round the Invader must win to advance.

100 mJoules for starship 30 APs. See iso-tons

For each Unit allocate 7 points to three permanent Attributes- Physical, Mental, and Character.
For each Unit allocate 7 Actions in a Turn to three Combat Attributes- Move, Attack, and Defend.

Economics Phase

Allocate Resources,
(With Capitol statistics like population and production),
2 spaces with infrastructure, no more than 6 spaces from Home
3 moveable Units,
Personnel, crew, and population,
Resources- i.e., money, personnel, food, energy, equipment.
Money in the form of $100,000
Build, at the rate of 0.1 Economic Points per Turn, Units and infrastructure.
Naval Fleet of 50 ships (with a crew of 50,000) can control a 250 mile wide skirmish line;
1-3 Marine /Army of 50,000 troops control a 250 mile wide skirmish line.
- One Military Unit costs $10 Million in fuel to move one space
- One Military Unit costs $10 Million, 50 tons of food, and 100 tons of water per day;
- A person is paid $200 ($100 net), and consumes 2 pounds of food and 2 liters of water per day

Illuminati Rules

Power base may grow by acting to either Control or Destroy other Groups or Personalities.
Power vs. Power to Destroy. Power vs. Resistance to Control.


If no Player achieves a Goal, return to the Economics Phase and continue.
If a Player achieves a Goal, the Game ends.

Simple Starship Combat Game: Rules

Hit points
Starships start with 20 hit points each. Transports and fighters start with 5 hit points each. The upper 10 hit points on a starship represent shield protection; the rest represents damage to the ship itself. When a ship is reduced to 4 hit points, it loses warp drive (assuming it had it to begin with).
At 3 hit points, sensors are damaged, which prevents the launching of fighters and photon torpedoes, as well as interfering with locking on Phaser (see below). At 2 hit points, Phasers are damaged and cannot be used, while at 1 hit point impulse engines are lost and the ship cannot move.

For each turn in which a ship neither moves nor attacks, it can repair 1 hit point of damage, but the player must explicitly mention that he or she is not moving or attaching but making repairs.

Warp drive: Up to 12 hexes (or 6 plus attack)
Impulse engines: Up to 3 hexes (with or without attack)
Fighters and transports only have impulse engines. A ship must also expend one unit of movement to turn one hex face. And so, for example, a fighter can move 3 hexes forward on a turn, or rotate 3 hex faces, or move one forward, turn one, then move one more, and so on.

Phaser: Automatically hit within 3 hexes and cause d4 damage. Further away, or if sensors are damaged, both the attacker and defender roll d20. If the attacker is higher then the Phasers hit. The maximum range of Phasers is 6 hexes.
Photon torpedoes: Both attacker and defender roll d20 to determine if they hit (as above). They cause d10 damage, and cannot be used at all at a distance greater than 3 hexes, or if sensors are damaged.

A destroyed ship explodes causing d4 damage to ships in adjacent hexes. Fighters must be facing in the direction they are attacking. Starships have Phasers that can fire in all directions. Transports do not normally have Phasers.

Warp drive: Up to 12 hexes (or 6 plus attack)
Impulse engines: Up to 3 hexes (with or without attack)

Phasers: Cause d4 damage. Auto hit within 3 hexes. Otherwise roll d20. Max. range 6 hexes.
Photon torpedoes: Cause d10 damage. Roll d20. Max range 3 hexes, or if sensors are damaged.
A destroyed ship explodes causing d4 damage to ships in adjacent hexes.

 4 hit points left = warp drive damaged
 3 hit points left = sensors damaged
 2 hit points left = Phasers damaged
 1 hit points left = impulse engines damaged

Take turns moving a ship each. After all movement is completed, take turns attacking (one ship at a time each). Then this repeats. Remember that ships cannot move more than 6 spaces and also attack on the same turn.

Fighters are launched at the end of the attack sequence and can then move on the turn immediately following. They are placed in spaces immediately surrounding the carrier from which they launch.

Order of Play
The sequence of play is as follows: players take turns moving a ship each, until all ships have been moved that they wish to move that turn. Then players take turns attacking (one ship at a time each) until all ships have attacked that wish to do so that turn (and which have not moved more than 6 hexes that turn). Then this repeats.

Fighters (if these are being used) are launched at the end of the attack sequence and can then move on the turn immediately following. They are placed in spaces immediately surrounding the carrier from which they launch.

In complex scenarios involving large numbers of starships and fighters, players may find it helpful to use separate index cards for each ship, to keep track of movements, repairs, and hit points. Otherwise, scrap paper should normally be adequate.

Each Piece begins with Structural Integrity Points.
Each Piece moves forward one space (100,000km).
For every Opposing Piece in an adjacent space (in front, to either side) combat ensues.
Flip coins to represent Attacks…two per Bank; +1 coin Bonus per Photon Torpedo
Flip coins to represent Defense…Shields, Evasive.
Subtract successful Defenses from successful Attacks- Unopposed Attacks (not blocked) causes Damage…if Structural Integrity reaches zero, remove Piece from Play.
Pieces still in Play move forward one space to an unoccupied space.
If only single ships, the Round ends…opponents “come about” and repair 1 Point of Damage per Round (Reserves is half of the original Structural Integrity in a Scenario) and repeat the above steps.
Scenario ends when no opponents are in Play, or a Victory Condition is met.

Two Strategic Military Forces attack along adjacent lines to Control a Territory
16 Federation Starships vs. 18 Imperial Vessels in Sector 006
Federation: 1CNV10 [2x6 fighters], 1CC9, 2CA8, 2NCA7, 2x2DD6, 3FF5, 1SC(2/6), 2 PF4; DMG 110pts
Imperial: 1C8, 1D7V [2x6 fighters], 3D7, 3D6, 2x3D5, 2F5, 2D4; DMG 116
Step 1 Damage Points are grouped and assigned per Target; roll To-Hit for each group; roll for Damage for each successful hit; remove any ships that result in LESS than zero;
Step 2 Damage Control - Repair any remaining ships that still have Reserve (ie, Spare parts);
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until one side is eliminated.
Special Fighters Rules – each group of Fighters has a To-Hit value of 1 in 6 (16%); If its Carrier is destroyed, and no other carrier is available, it is removed AFTER the next Round of combat . . . it can still do damage.

Other simple RPG topics . . .

Erotic RPG

Assign Points to the following attributes:
Physical: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina (Health)
Mental: Intelligence, Wisdom, Morale
Skills: Charisma (Diplomacy), Combat

Sample Encounter
Player vs. NPC
Levels of Loss:
Held- loss of mobility
Groped while still clothed
Stripped of clothing, Denuded
Insertion of object(s)
Paralyzed, Unconscious, Near-death, Dead

Total War

The Klingon Empire, The Romulan Star Empire, and the Federation are at War
The Kinshaya, Gorn, Cardassians respectively attack opposite borders
Tholians and other dimensional forces appear throughout space

Operational Set-up 2260s
Star Fleet Command has ten Operational Forces consisting of a total of 100 capital ships
 - 12 Constitution class Heavy Cruisers, 8 Battle cruiser variants, 30 Cruisers of various classes, 50 smaller ships
 - Example Force: 1 Constitution class Heavy Cruiser, 3 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, 3 Frigates
Klingon Defense Forces has twelve Battle Groups with a total of 110 warships
 - 36 D7 Battle cruisers, 36 various class vessels (L-9, D6, T4, etc), 36 Bird-of-Preys or other destroyer/escorts
 - Example, 3 D-7s, 3 mid-classes, 3 Bird-of-Preys
Romulan Star Navy has nine Assault Forces with a total of 120 warbirds
 - 9 Condor/Praetor Battleships, 81 Warbirds, 27 support fleet ships
 - Example, a Battleship, 4 Cruisers, 5 Warbirds, 3 mid-classes
Each Operational Fleet is assigned to a Theater nearest a border (except for a Home Fleet)

Klingon Empire battle Starfleet Forces across the Neutral Zone
100 + starships in a Theater of Operational Fleet - remove 1d10 ships every Turn in the Campaign;
7 to 10 starships in a Battle Group – roll 10-60% damages per Turn in the Battle;

10 Klingon Warships battle 15 Romulan Forces in a planetary system –
Scale is 1 light-second per square fleet movement; 10 to 300 thousand km ship-to-ship.
Each Player secretly drops out of warp Wings of 2 to 5 ships on the 10-by-10 vector grid;
Move each Wing one Space per Turn. For ship(s) that are adjacent or are in the same Space, use Starship Combat Rules on a different 10-by-10 grid.

3 to 5 ship Wings as a Unit - use Quick & Dirty Combat Rules allowing survivors to regroup for the next Skirmish.

Player Character Generation
Character Creation defines Attributes using Templates based on Race
Character Growth allows for Bonuses for certain Attributes
Character Log adds points based on Experiences- also adds Possessions and Position (status in life)

Komerex Zha
“The structure that grows”
Establish a Home Capital complete with Food, Infrastructure, and Socio-economy to support it.
Create Scouts, Warriors, and Specialists to explore, expand, and exploit adjacent Territories…these could be physical (places), or abstracts (groups).
Build lines of defense to strengthen the structure to prevent invasion along the borders, or sabotage and collapse from within.

Starship and Fleet Combat Assignments
3 ships [up to 20 point total] assigned to a base along the frontier near a disputed border…
Small Scout [2/5] Exploration and planetary surveys 100 crew
Cruiser [6] Logistics and support 300 crew
Heavy cruiser [8] Border patrol 400 crew
Base [25 points] Watchtower class 1,500 personnel

Two Groups of 5 ships [up to 50 point total] assigned to a Starbase [25 points] in the same Sector…
Military Group
Support Group

Three more Sub-fleets of up to 13 ships, total of 50 ships [300 points] form a Military Fleet deployment…
Seventh Fleet  50 ships [300 Economic Points cost] 50,000 crew
3rd, 5th, and 13th Marine Brigades 50,000 troops each

Up to ten fleets comprise an empire’s Navy…
Starfleet 500 ships [3,000 Economic Points cost] 500,000 /1.5M crew/support
Klingon DF 300 ships [2,000 EPs] 500,000 / 1.5M crew/troops

2260s Starfleet Command Ships
Hermes class Scout
Cygnus class Diplomatic cruiser
Siva class Destroyer
Knox class Multi-purpose cruiser
Ptolemy class Tug
Constitution class Heavy cruiser
Federation class Dreadnought

Sector Control
Keywords: Pusoy, Russian Poker
Each side begins a fleet of 54 ships [300 points] each to a Sector.
Deploy 13 ships in Hands of 3, 5, and 5 each Round, strongest hand last (most combat points)
Each Hand is played using Quick and Dirty Combat Rules
The best 2 out of 3 rounds win control of the Sector
Play three more Sector Control games…the best 3 out of 4 conquers half the quadrant!

In every Invasion and Control Round the Invader must win to advance.

Miscellaneous Rules of Play. . .
Trojan War
"The face that launched a thousand ships" at 50 per ship has a "national" force of 50,000 sea-to-land troops.

Mob Combat
Groups remove a number of facing opponents, 10 roll for 1 to 6, or 4 to 10, or up to 30 with projectile weapons.

33 are M-type stars in 20 systems, another 17 stars in 10 systems fall outside the Main Sequence, but may have a 10% chance of supporting life of some kind.

A single starship [or ten] exit warp and proceed at an intercept course. The number of actions and power allowed in a ten-second turn are allocated, while still at maximum sensor range. Combat ensues at face to face, passing, and evasive actions, in 3 three-second phases. A non-Player’s weapons are divided into a combination of three targets, or three chances to hit a target; four actions are allocated to defensive actions…WCM, evasive, shields,, and or reserves. Ships target are the closest first, followed by the next closest for each hostile. Critical hits may occur at major systems, depending on the area(s) hit on the ship. Damage control may be applied after the turn IF the ship has not been destroyed, and still has spares.

Exceptions to the face-to-face rule applies to attacks on a star base, planetary, or other stationary target,.
see also
Compendium of Free Role Playing Games
Role Playing Games Simplified